Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options > Language Options tab
The Language Options tab allows certain Language Assessment information to be displayed in the upper area of the report cards.
Print Language Information at Top will print the students’ Language Fluency and Language Assessment information in the top left or right sections of the report card. There is space for 5 options to print on the left and 5 on the right. The options can be selected and, if populated, will automatically print on the report cards. When the Print Language Information at Top option is selected the following additional options become available:
NOTE: If this option is enabled, make sure to NOT choose the option Hide Top-Left & Top-Right sections found on the General Options tab.
- Only on these Report Card Types will limit the Language Assessment information to be printed only on the identified report card types
- Student Language Fluency will print the description for the STU.LF field
- Language Years in Program will print the number of years from the LAC.YP field
- Program/Instructional Setting will print the description from the Program LAC.PR field
- Language Designation Code will print the language from the LAC.LD field
- Language of Instruction will print the language from the LAC.LI field
- English Classroom Eligibility will print the description from the LAC.ECE field
- Services Received will print the description from the LAC.SR field
- ELPAC/IELPAC/CELDT Test Scores Students' ELPAC, IELPAC, and CELDT Overall scores from the Test (TST) table can be selected to print
- Limit ELPAC/IELPAC/CELDT Test – options of All, New - most recent, or TA - from a selected Testing Admin
- Which Score – options of the RS – Raw Score, SS – Scale Score, OT – Proficiency Level (CELDT), or PL - Proficiency Level (ELPAC)
NOTE: Language Information option labels are hard-coded and include only Spanish at this time. Code descriptions can be translated in the COD table with up to 6 Correspondence Languages.