Course Data  

Course Data - General Tab  

Course Data - Other Tab  

Course Data - California Specific Fields Tab  

Course Data 

The Course Data page can be accessed on the navigation tree under Scheduling Process. There are multiple tabs on the Course Data page.

Detailed information is available in Courses.

Course Data - General Tab  

Aeries Field NameAeries Table.Field





Course IDCRS.CN09.08CRS-Local Course IDWe recommend you maintain a district-wide, unique Course ID for
each course at each school.
Course TitleCRS.CO09.09CRS-Course Name

Course Data - Other Tab  

Aeries Field NameAeries Table.FieldCALPADS
CALPADS NameComment
Course LevelCRS.CL09.19Course Section Instructional Level CodeExisting Code Values will be Translated to CALPADS Codes. Not reported for Elementary Schools.

CALPADS Code Set: Course Non Standard Instructional Level
Course TypeCRS.TY09.12CRS-CTE Post Secondary Articulated Course IndicatorValues of 32 & 33 will be used for this field. Not needed for Elementary Schools

Course Data - California Specific Fields Tab  

Aeries Field NameAeries Table.Field





Subject Area Codes
Approved Indicator
All the UC/CSU Subjects Area fields, including the Validation Level field, should be populated for accurate UC/CSU Course Completer Analysis at the student level.
State Course CodeCRS.C309.07CRS-State Course CodeAll courses must be populated with a value in this field. Use "6012" if you would like Aeries to skip this course when extracting data to CALPADS. CBEDS Code Set: Course Group State
Course Content SubcategoryCRS.CSC9.28Course Content Area Subcategory CodeMore detailed subject matter within an area of course content.
Standard Grade RangeCRS.SGR9.29CRS – Departmentalized Course Standards Grade Level Range CodeThe value should be based on the standards grade level of the course content and not the grade levels of the students enrolled in the course.

When populating this field, the value should be based on the standards grade level of the course content and not the grade levels of the students enrolled in the course.

EX: If a combo class of 4 and 5th graders is taught based on an Elementary curriculum, then the "ELM" code should be used

Content Standards AlignmentCRS.CSA9.30CRS – Content Standards Alignment CodeThe currency of  the standards that were used to develop the content of a course.
Charter Non-Core
CRS.CNC9.31Charter Code IndicatorData element retired 7/1/2021
AP/IB Course Code Cross ReferenceCRS.ACC9.32AP/IB Course IndicatorAllows a course to be mapped to a CTE State Course Code while providing the cross-reference to the actual AP or IB course code.
Middle School CoreCRS.MSC9.34Middle School Core Setting IndicatorIdentifies if the course is part of a middle school core setting, where one teacher is teaching two or more subject areas to the same students on the same day in grades 5-8. If 9.29 Standard Grade Range is "MID" this indicator is required. This field will only appear if the grade range in the MST includes any grade between 5 and 8.