CALPADS Procedures

The California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) is a longitudinal data system used to maintain individual-level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, staff assignments, attendance and other data for state and federal reporting.  

CALPADS requires active reporting regarding the demographic information and enrollment status of your students.  School entities will be required to report student enrollment data within “14 days” of student’s entry or withdrawal at your educational institution.   

Multiple files are required to be submitted with frequency and ongoing bases:

  • Student Enrollment (SENR) – this includes enrollments and exit data for students
  • Student Information (SINF) – this includes demographic and grade level changes for continuing students
  • Student Program (SPRG) – this includes program related data for enrolled students
  • Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) – this includes English Learner student data

These files report the demographic and enrollment status of your students to the CALPADS reporting system.   The CALPADS File Specification Document (CFS) lists the various required fields for each of these files.  The CALPADS Data Guide assists the Data Coordinator with reporting compliances for student data.

CALPADS documentation can be found at the following link:

CALPADS System Documentation

The following articles will detail the Aeries fields that will need to be populated for proper CALPADS reporting.

Highlight State Reporting Fields


An option to Highlight State Reporting Fields is available on the "Settings" menu at the top right of the page. 

This will highlight various fields related to state reporting on the following pages: Courses, Staff, Teachers/Elementary Classes, Master Schedule, Scheduling Master Schedule, Language, Special Ed, and Free and Reduced Meals. This option is saved for each user and will change the border around the field to green. 

Below is an example of the highlighted state reporting fields on the Master Schedule page:

Define Required Fields

Define Required Fields page allows you to select fields as required when data is entered. 

This will assure accurate data management and will help sustain the district procedures for student data.  Fields can be defined as required to meet the purpose of providing cleaner data for State reporting.  

The page is found under School Info > Configurations > Define Required Fields.

Choose a table from the drop down list to see the fields available.

Fields that could be setup as required would be fields that always seem to be missed when student records are first entered.  For example, Student Last Name and Student First Name are selected as required fields on the Student Data form.  Users will not be able to Save the record if the required fields are missing.  Below is an example of the message:

Defining fields can also be setup for other screens within Aeries where intake procedures need to have better management and sustainability.