Through a partnership between DecisionInsite and Aeries® SIS, customers can enable a feature to use data within DecisionInsite for address validation and to determine assigned schools when entering and updating student addresses, instead of using the built-in Aeries Streets Table. 

Note: Before using this integration, an account must first be set up with DecisionInsite. You should also confirm that the CDS codes on file with DecisionInsite matches the CDS codes configured within Aeries under School Options for the District as well as individual schools.

Configuring Address Validation

In order to turn on DecisionInsite address validation features, the Streets (STR) table must first be empty or have all records del-tagged. The following SQL query may be run to ensure the streets table is empty. There is currently no option to switch back and forth between DecisionInsite and the Streets Table other than deleting the STR table.


Secondly, the Use DecisionInsite for Street Validation checkbox must be checked.

As soon as the box is checked, a test request will be made to DecisionInsite. If an error message occurs stating to please check your license, then most likely the API has not been enabled on the DecisionInsite account and they should be contacted to enable this option.

Once this has been configured, as student addresses are added or updated in Aeries, they will be validated against DecisionInsite data. Students will also populate the appropriate Residence School, Next Residence School, and Next School fields according to DecisionInsite's data.

Keep in mind that the Student Address Rules specified on the District Settings page still apply. Specifically, Aeries Software recommends that the "Next School (STU.NS) is the next grade-level, not next matriculation-level" option be turned on, so that the next school field is used to hold the school the student should go to next year.