Aeries Software enables authorized vendors to access data through the Aeries API and the OneRoster API. These integration methods are preferred for both vendors and districts. For vendors who cannot support an API connection, we offer alternative options to automate data extraction from Aeries according to your specified needs.

Destiny currently requires an SFTP data upload.



Districts hosted by Aeries can request assistance from our Integrations Team to configure scheduled data extraction processes. An Integration Engineer can help your district create a process that will query data from Aeries, modify it as needed, and send it to Destiny.

The basic steps for this process are outlined below:

  1. Contact Destiny and collect as much information as possible:

    • File Transfer Protocol (SFTP/FTP) information, credentials, and file sending schedule
    • School Codes to be included
    • Student Statuses to be included (Active, Pre-enrolled, Inactive, etc.)
    • Contact information for the vendor
  2. Create SFTP Account
    • The attached document Destiny_Automate_Import_setup.pdf contains information on how to create an import job within Destiny
      * If you have any issues creating the job, please reach out to Destiny Support
    • Attached is a copy of the file needed to map the CSV into Destiny
  3. Submit a support ticket:

    • Go to and enter a ticket requesting a new Destiny integration for your district. Provide all the information you collected in the ticket. 
      * Please do not provide unsecured passwords. A secure link will be provided.
  4. Collaboration with an Integration Engineer:

    • An Integration Engineer will be assigned to work with you on the process.


Data is generally pulled from the following tables:

  • Student data (STU)
  • School data (LOC)
  • Staff data (STF)

A SQL Security Role and Account will be created with permissions to applicable tables based on the files you will be sending to Destiny.

Vendor Information

More information about the Aeries - Destiny Integration can be found on the Destiny Support Site and/or in the attached documents.

Attached is also a patrons.csv file that contains the headers of what our template provides (these headers are pre-mapped using the file attached as well)

For the most up-to-date information, please contact Follett for additional support: