Existing Parents can submit a School of Choice Request for their current students in the district and for students new to the district through the Parent Portal. New parents to the district also can submit School of Choice Requests through the Parent Portal.
Existing Parents
After the various School of Choice Options have been configured and Security permissions have been granted for the Portal Group for Parents, parents can see the customized Parent Portal message and link on the Home page.
The School of Choice Requests page is also available from the Student Info dropdown.
The following page will display with the Custom Text defined on the School of Choice Options page for the selected window.
When the parents click on the Create New School of Choice Request button, the following page will display:
The dropdowns display from the COD Table and the * fields are required to save the request. The Student Grade Next Year is validated against the selected 1st and 2nd School Choice grade ranges. After the parent clicks on the Save button, the following page will display.
The submitted requests will display in the Select an Application dropdown.
Existing Parents Add New Students
For an existing parent, adding a new student, it is a 2 step process. The parent must first enter the new student while logged into the parent portal and then submit a request.
Step 1. Add New Student
If the Security option is selected for parents School of Choice – Parents Add New Students,
And the Add New Students URL has been added on the Window text message, the following will display to existing parents.
Once the Add New Student URL is clicked, the parent will be directed to the \SchoolofChoiceAddStudent.aspx URL and see the following;
Basic student information and parent information needs to be entered. This will add a new Student record in the Transfer school that will then need to be managed by District Staff (e.g. more student information collected and student record transferred to appropriate school.)
Note: If the student name and birthdate match an existing active student record, the parent will receive the following error.
Step 2. Submit a request. The parent must then follow the instructions on the previous section and click on the Create New School of Choice Request button.
New Parents Add New Students
For new parents to the district, the following URL extension allows them to add new students to the School of Choice system.
This URL can also include a "language" query string parameter: &language=01 (for Spanish)
The URL will display the following page to allow the parent to create a new portal account.
The following will display.
The parents are now able to log in and complete the Add New Student process detailed in the previous section.