Supplemental Attendance Programs are District-owned and include basic data and a few options. The options will apply to all sessions for the program. To add a Program, click the mouse on the Add button on the page. The cursor will display in the Program ID field. Enter all the Program information and click the mouse on the Insert button when completed.

  • Program ID Enter a Program ID. There is a 6-characters maximum. This is a required field.
  • Program Name Enter a Program Name. This is a required field.
  • Attendance Type codes can be set up from the Update Code Table form for field ATP.TY. This is an optional field.
    • The fixed ATP.TY code ELO Tutorial should only be used for reporting additional Operational Minutes for Texas PEIMS reporting. See SAAH 3.8 Note for Calendar Requirements for Funding. Texas Only.
  • Seats Maximum number of students for this Program. This is an optional field
  • Grade Range Low and High grade for this Program
  • Tag when a Program is tagged as inactive new sessions cannot be added
  • Start Date/ End Date Optional fields that ensure attendance is not entered outside of the date range for all sessions with this Program. Session date range will default to the Program date range but can be changed.
  • User Fields Dropdown codes can be set up in the Update Code Table form  
  • Notes Comments detailing the program can be entered.
  • Allow Walk-Ins This option allows any student in the school to walk into a session of this program without being scheduled into the session. Leaving the option turned off means that the student must be scheduled into the session to attend a session in this program.
  • Student Self-Sign-In When this option is enabled students will be able to sign themselves into the session.
  • Attendance Collection Method
    • Only allow teachers to mark a student as Present or Absent. Start and End times will be set based upon the session’s start and end time. Start and End times cannot be edited with this option on.
    • Allow teachers to modify each student’s start and end time. When a student is marked Present, the system will save the session start and end time but will allow teachers to edit them.
  • Restrict Times will allow users to either limit the data entry to the defined session times or allow for entry before and after the session times. Option applies to the Teacher Supplemental Attendance page (daily and weekly).