


Add a new Course Request Section Packet 

Edit a Section Packet  

Add Sections to Packets 

Add a Section Packet to a Class Schedule 


Course Request Section Packets can be created to assign a specific set of sections to a student's Class Schedule. This page is designed to store packets where specific sections can be added to the packet. When a packet is added to a student’s schedule, the student will be enrolled in all courses in the packet. Course Request Section Packets can be created for any logical group of courses. A common example is the set of required courses for a specific grade level.

Navigate to Scheduling Process > Configurations > Course Request Section Packets.


Table Name (SPK)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
*Not available in Portal Groups
Table Name (SMP)Inherited from SPK
Table Name (MSP)Inherited from SPK


All Course Request Section Packet records are stored in the SPK table. Students can have section packets assigned while scheduling on the Course Requests page or the Classes page. 


Course Request Section Packets (SPK)School (SC)
Code (CD)
Description (DE)
Low Grade (LO)
High Grade (HI)
Course Request Section Packet records for the school are stored in the SPK table.
Scheduling Master Schedule Packet Sections (SMP)School (SC)
Code (CD)
Section Number (SE)
Course Request Section Packets assigned with sections from SMS are stored in SMP.
Master Schedule Packet Sections (MSP)School (SC)
Code (CD)
Section Number (SE)
Course Request Section Packets assigned with sections from MST are stored in MSP.

Add a new Course Request Section Packet

From the Course Request Section Packets page, Click Add Packet.

Enter a Packet Code, Description and Grade Range for the packet.

Packet Code - Supports 6 character alpha-numeric

Description - Add a description for the section packet

Grade Range - Select the grade range that will display as reference when adding the packet to a student

After a packet is added an Add New Record button displays under the MST Sections tab and the SMS Sections tab.

Sort Options exist to sort by Code, Description, or Grade Levels when multiple section packet records exist.

Edit a Section Packet  

To change a course request section packet's information, click the appropriate packet in the list. The packet will be highlighted to signify that it is selected. Click the Edit Packet button.

The Description and Grade Range can be edited but not the Packet Code

Click Save to accept the changes to the existing section packet.

Add Sections to Packets

Click on Add New Record for the desired table. A drop-down will display of all sections contained within the MST or SMS tables depending on the tab.

In the MST Sections tab, only sections that exist in MST will display in the drop-down. For the SMS Sections tab, only sections that exist in SMS will display in the drop-down.

Sections can be searched by section number, course name, course number or teacher. Click the Save button to proceed to enter more sections.

Add a Section Packet to a Class Schedule

From the Classes page, click the Edit button.

Click on the CrsSecPack button to open the available Course Request Sections Packets.

The arrow to the left of the record can be clicked to expand and reveal the sections assigned to a packet. Check on the box next to the description of the desired section packet and click Add Section Packet(s) button.

Sections from the packet will automatically be added to the student's class schedule. Each section will be pre-selected with a checkmark that were part of the Course Request Section Packet. For example, adding a packet that includes section 2005 will have this section selected and will be included when saving the records. Confirm the End Date and Start Date of the new classes, then select Save.

NOTE: Course Request Section Packets are also available on the Course Requests/Schedule page. See Student Course Requests for more details.