
The following steps will ensure that you to close out the school year with complete and accurate attendance records and are prepared for an audit if necessary.


  1. Reconcile the final attendance reporting period.
  2. Ensure all supporting documentation is gathered and retained, per the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) section 2.3.5.

  3. Cross check attendance data for all Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) students to avoid triggering a data validation rule.

    Ensure that students who have an OSS attendance code have a supporting discipline event, and vice versa.
    • Run the Student Assertive Discipline Record Report with the OSS Disposition Codes selected. This report provides details for each student who has an OSS disposition, including dates.

      IMPORTANT: Prior to running the report, run a KEEP query to limit students to a particular grade level, counselor, etc., because the report max is 1000 students at a time. Note that when you have KEPT students, click Select All Students for the report; however the report will be limited to only KEPT students.

    • Flex schools: Run the Students with N or More Absences Report with the appropriate code selected.

    • Non-flex schools: Run the Student Absence Totals Report with the appropriate code selected.

    • Compare the data in the two reports and ensure that no discrepancies exist.

  4. Summer PEIMS: Review and reconcile every fatal, special warning, and warning in the 42400 series. Do not ignore warnings and special warnings.

  5. Run the Aeries audit reports and confirm that all data is accurate. Be sure to recompute attendance when running each report.

  6. Compare the TSDS Superintendent's Report (PDM3-130-008) to the Aeries Student Attendance District Summery Report. Ensure that the six-week Summary Totals on PDM3-130-008 match the Aeries District Summary.


    Aeries Student Attendance District Summary Report:

TSDS Superintendent's Report (PDM3-130-008) 
Total Column
Aeries Student Attendance District Summary Report Field
District Summary - Totals Row
A. Days Taught (LEA Maximum)
B. Days MembershipDays Membership
C. Total Days AbsentDays Absent
D. Total Days PresentDays Present
E. Total Ineligible DaysIneligible Days Present
F. Total Eligible DaysEligible Days Present
G. Elig Days Bilingual/ESLEligible Days Bilingual/ESL

H. Elig Days Preg Rel Serv

Eligible Days - Pregnancy Related
I. Elig Days SpecEd MainEligible Days Special Ed Mainstream
Q. Percent in AttendanceADA %
District - Program ADA/FTE
J. Biling/ESL Refined ADABilingual/ESL Refined ADA
K. SpecEd Main Refined ADASpecial Ed Mainstream Refined ADA
L. Preg Related Serv FTEPregnancy-Related Services Refined ADA
M. Career & Technical Ed FTECareer Technical Education FTE
N. Special Education FTESpecial Education FTE
O. Regular Program Ref ADARegular Program Refined ADA
P. Total Refined ADARefined ADA