Why does the Grade need to be multiplied by 10 when adding Test records?

The procedure for inputting test records is based on a student’s grade level year and the month.  It is crucial to adhere to this standardized method to ensure consistency and accuracy in the recording and tracking of student test data throughout the academic year. The month when the test is taken is numerically represented, with September being the start of the academic year and designated as the 1st month.

When inputting Test records, multiply a student's grade by 10 if not including the month the student took the test. An 11th-grade student should be input as 110.

Example: A 5th-grade student taking a test in September would be in the 5th grade and 1st month. In the TST record, it would be input as 51. When displayed on the Test Scores page it would be 5.1.

Input the record as 51 in the Grd Lvl field.

The Test Record then displays as 5.1.