Here are a list of items to verify when teachers are unable to take Attendance. Each item notes the type of Scheduling/Attendance setting for which it is applicable.
NOTE: Please ensure your Attendance has been Initialized for the year before proceeding; if it has not, it must be initialized for teachers to take Attendance.
1: Portal Options - Attendance Tab
- Portal Options should be checked for all Scheduling/Attendance types
- ISSUE: Teacher cannot take attendance at 8:30 AM
- SOLUTION: Adjust the times under Attendance Times to include the entire timeframe for which a teacher should be able to submit attendance
2: Terms table (TRM)
- Terms should be checked for all Scheduling/Attendance types
- ISSUE: The Terms table does not include a term of Y - Year
- SOLUTION: Add a Term of Y-year to your Terms table
3: Block Schedule Calendar
- The Block Schedule Calendar should be checked in Secondary Scheduling schools with Period Attendance
- ISSUE: Cannot take Attendance for a specific period on a specific date
- SOLUTION: On the Block Schedule Calendar, ensure the correct Periods are selected on the Date the teacher cannot take attendance
4: Class Calendars
- The Class Calendar(s) should be checked in Flex Scheduling Schools with Daily or Period Attendance as well as Secondary and Elementary w/MST Scheduling schools IF applicable.
- ISSUE: Cannot take Attendance for a specific period on a specific date
- SOLUTION: On the Class Calendar associated to the Period, ensure the correct Dates are selected
5: Master Schedule > Split Term (MST.DY)
- The Split Term (MST.DY) should be checked in Secondary and Elementary w/MST Scheduling schools with Period Attendance
- ISSUE: Cannot take Attendance for a specific Period on a specific day
- SOLUTION: On the Split Term (MST.DY) field, ensure the correct Days of the Week are selected