How to get a list of students that received Independent Study Complete codes during a specific Attendance Month.

Step 1: Navigate to the Attendance History Configuration page

Step 2: Enter the Process Date Range for the Attendance Month

  • This will be based on the dates in your Calendar

Step 3: Click on Update All Schools Now

Step 4: Once the completion email has been received, run this query

  • LIST STU AHS STU.SC STU.ID STU.NM STU.GR AHS.YR AHS.SP AHS.ISC BY STU.SC IF AHS.YR = 20xx-20xx AND AHS.ISC > 0 (replace the xx with the correct year)
    • Be sure to Include Inactive Students on the Query Page if you want to see all students that were enrolled during that time and had Independent Study Complete days (receiving ADA)

The Process Date Range will reset to the year long date range during the next nightly update. Or, the Process Date Range may be manually changed back to the year long date range and the Update All Schools Now may be run again.