How to get a list of students that received Independent Study Complete codes during a specific Attendance Month.
Step 1: Navigate to the Attendance History Configuration page
Step 2: Enter the Process Date Range for the Attendance Month
- This will be based on the dates in your Calendar
Step 3: Click on Update All Schools Now
Step 4: Once the completion email has been received, run this query
- LIST STU AHS STU.SC STU.ID STU.NM STU.GR AHS.YR AHS.SP AHS.ISC BY STU.SC IF AHS.YR = 20xx-20xx AND AHS.ISC > 0 (replace the xx with the correct year)
- Be sure to Include Inactive Students on the Query Page if you want to see all students that were enrolled during that time and had Independent Study Complete days (receiving ADA)