The following Special Education tasks should be done at the beginning of the school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Add special education records for students who are participating and receiving services.

  • Basic information
  • Services
  • Testing modifications

Student Data > Programs > Special Education

Special Education Overview

Special Education Tables 

Special Education Information for Testing

Add 504 records for students who qualify.

Student Data > Programs > 504 Plans

504 Plans

What's the best way to document students considered for 504 Accommodation Plans?

Document the paperwork distribution applicable to 504 Accommodation Plans.

Student Data > Interventions

Student Data > Guidance > Counseling

Counseling and Visitations

What's the best way to document students considered for 504 Accommodation Plans?

Configure regular imports for CDE.

School Info > Imports and Exports > Special Ed Data Import

Import Special Ed Data (CASEMIS) Files  

Special Ed Data Scheduled or Manual Imports  

Special Ed Data Import Process