Attendance Audit Listing - Audit Listing 1: Inactive student is still enrolled in attendance


Cause: Student Status (STU.TG) is set to Inactive but the student’s Attendance Enrollment Leave Date (ATT.DT where ATT.CD = L) is either not a valid date in the school’s Calendar or no Leave record (ATT.CD = L) exists. 


Solution: Check the student’s Attendance Enrollment page to ensure a valid Leave Date (ATT.DT where ATT.CD = L) exists. Correct the Attendance Enrollment Leave Date if there is an invalid date or update the student’s attendance if there is no Leave record.

Updating Attendance can be done by either method below:

  • Manually adding the Leave record to the Attendance Enrollment page by clicking +Add New Record 

  • Clicking the Update Attendance button at the bottom of the student’s Demographics page: