If you wish to set up a fake student in Aeries for testing purposes, here's how: 

  1. Navigate to the School where the fake student record will exist
  2. Navigate to the Demographics page
  3. Click Add, located in the icon menu at the bottom of the Demographics page 
  4. Click Student Not Found on the Search Criteria page 
  5. Click No on the Search Sibling? pop up 
  6. Manually enter the student data - be sure to create a name that is easily recognized by users as a fake account - for example, Mickey Mouse, Daisy Duck
  7. Click Savelocated in the icon menu at the bottom of the Demographics page, once all pertinent data is entered 
  8. Do not add an SSID 
  9. Do not add any Enrollment Records

To use this fake student account to test the Parent Portal, please see this article: How to Use a Fake Student Account for Testing the Parent Portal