


Discipline/Advanced Discipline Page

Assertive Discipline Page



The Aeries Student Data > Guidance menu includes several pages where student discipline information is maintained.

Information about specific incidents is maintained on the following two pages:

  • Student Data > Guidance > Discipline - For minor infractions, including non-suspendable offenses that do not get reported to the state.

    A district setting is available allowing schools to use an advanced Discipline page that displays additional fields.

  • Student Data > Guidance > Assertive Discipline - For more severe, suspendable offenses, although it can also be used for minor infractions.

IMPORTANT: Because of the flexibility provided by Aeries discipline pages, schools and districts MUST have well documented student discipline policies and adhere to the policies when maintaining data. Policies must be well communicated to the school community. The policies, penalties, etc. must be covered in the Student Handbook so that every student and family is well informed.


A user must have a minimum of READ permission to the following tables to view discipline and related data. Additional permission is needed to enter, update, or delete data.

  • Assertive Discipline (ADS)
  • Behavioral Emergency Report (BER)
  • Special Education Data (CSE) 
  • Discipline (DIS)
  • Disposition (DSP)
  • Expulsions (EXP)
  • Student Data (STU)
  • Victims (VIC) 
  • Witness (WIT)


  • School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

    Ensure the following codes are entered:
    • Assertive discipline offenses (Table: ADS, Field: CD)
    • Minor discipline offenses (Table: DIS, Field: CD)
    • Dispositions (actions taken related to assertive discipline offenses) (Table: DSP, Field: DS)

      NOTE: (California only) Disposition codes related to suspension must start with 'SUS' in order for suspension letters to print the total number of days suspended.

  • (Texas only) School Info > Imports and Exports > Texas State Reporting (Code Translations tab)
    The following need to be mapped to state-required codes:
    • Any local offense codes (ADS.CD)
    • Any local disposition codes (DSP.DS)

  • Configurations > District Settings
    • Under Other Student Settings:
      • Request Assigned and Served Days in Assertive Discipline - Administrative Decisions (Dispositions) - If selected, the Administrative Decisions (Dispositions) section on the Assertive Discipline page will include the Assigned and Served fields for DaysHoursStart DateEnd Date, and Return Date, allowing users to enter actual information if it differs from the assignment. Otherwise, the Assigned and Served fields are not visible, and only one field is displayed for each.

      • Hide the Discipline Administrative Decision Hours Field -If selected, the Administrative Decisions (Dispositions) section on the Assertive Discipline page will include the Hours field (DSP.HR) which will accommodate disciplinary assignment is less than one days.

    • Under District Settings:
      • Select Use Advanced Discipline (DIS) Page to use the advanced Discipline page that includes additional fields and enhancements. If not selected, the standard Discipline page is displayed.

      • Show the Demerits field on the Assertive Discipline Page - If selected, the Total Demerits - This Year and Total Demerits - Cumulative fields are visible on the Assertive Discipline page and display calculated demerit counts. Otherwise the fields are not visible.

      • Number of Offenses allowed (1-5) by Assertive Discipline record - Indicate the number of offenses that can be entered for a particular assertive discipline record, up to 5.

        Texas allows one offense per record. California allows up to 5.

  • School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)
    • Discipline entry notification email address (for tchr adds) - Enter an email address in order to automatically send an email to a particular address when a teacher adds a Discipline (DIS) record. See Discipline - Teacher Emails.

    • Assertive discipline entry notification email address (for tchr adds) - Enter an email address in order to automatically send an email to a particular address when a teacher adds an Assertive Discipline (ADS) record. See Discipline - Teacher Emails.

  • School Info > School Options(district level)
    • Under Customizable Text, configure the messages sent when the Discipline entry notification email address (for tchr adds) or Assertive discipline entry notification email address (for tchr adds) fields (described above) contain an email address:
      • Teacher Discipline Email - Enter the text that should be included in the Subject and letter Body of the automated email message related to discipline entries (DIS records). See Discipline - Teacher Emails.

      • Teacher Assertive Discipline Email - Enter the text that should be included in the Subject and letter Body of the automated email message related to assertive discipline entries (ADS records). See Discipline - Teacher Emails.

  • School Info > Configurations > Define Required Fields
  • School Info > Configurations > Update Suspendable Offense Codes
    • Maintain a list of offense codes for which a student can be suspended (SOC table). This triggers an automatic suspension letter. See Suspendable Offense Code Video.

      (California only) Offenses with suspendable codes are reported to CALPADS.

  • School Info > Letter Texts > Discipline Letter Text Editor
    • Create the text for the letters that will be sent to the parent/guardian for non-suspendable offenses.

  • School Info > Letter Texts > Suspension Letter Text Editor
    • Create the text for the letters that will be sent to the parent/guardian when a student is suspended, expelled, or transferred.
  • School Info > Configurations > Define Custom Captions
    • Create any custom captions that will be used on the Assertive Discipline page - Additional Info tab to record district-specific information. See Define Custom Captions.

Discipline/Advanced Discipline Page 

The page allows you to maintain information about minor discipline infractions. Data is stored in the Discipline table (DIS). Certain fields are only displayed if the option to use the advanced Discipline page is selected (as described above).

Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Discipline

  1. Click Add, or click the Edit icon to edit an existing record. The Edit Discipline Record window opens.

    The Exact Time, Location, Possible Motivation, and Consequence field are only displayed on the advancedDiscipline page.

    • Date (DIS.DT) - Enter the date on which the incident occurred.
    • Code (DIS.CD) - Select the code describing the incident. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DIS, Field: CD).
    • Staff (DIS.SID) - Enter the staff ID, or click the search icon to search for and select the staff member associated with the incident.
    • School (DIS.SCL) - Select the school at which the incident occurred.
    • Status (DIS.ST) - Select the current status of the incident. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DIS, Field: ST).
    • Exact Time (DIS.ET) (advanced page only) - Select the time of day, to the nearest half-hour increment, when the incident occurred.
    • Location (DIS.LCN) (advanced page only) - Select the location at which the incident occurred. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DIS, Field: LCN).
    • Possible Motivation (DIS.PM) (advanced page only) - Select what may have motivated the student to commit the offense. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DIS, Field: PM).
    • Consequence (DIS.CN) (advanced page only) - Select the consequence of the incident to the student. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DIS, Field: CN).
    • Comment (DIS.CO) - Enter any comments related to the incident. This comment prints on the Student Discipline Report/DIS.
  2. The following fields are automatically populated when the record is saved.
    • Created By User (DIS.UN) - The user name of the person who initially entered the incident record.
    • Last Updated Date (DIS.LUD) - The date on which the incident record was entered.
    • Last Updated By (DIS.LUB) - The user name of the person who most recently updated the incident record.
  3. Click Print to print the discipline record report for the specific incident.

Assertive Discipline Page

The page allows you to maintain information about severe discipline infractions that may result in suspension or expulsion, although it can also be used for minor infractions. Data is stored in the Assertive Discipline table (ADS).

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Attendance must be updated manually for students who are suspended.

(California only) This page must be used for all CALPADS reportable incidents.

(Texas only) See PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Assertive Discipline.

Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Assertive Discipline

  1. (California only) The SSA Date field (Safe Schools Act) displays the date of a student’s most recent infraction of the Safe Schools Act. The date is automatically populated when a record is added with an offense code that is tagged on the Update Suspendable Offense Codes (SOC) page in the Update SSA Date field.

    To delete the date, click the red x. You will be prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the date.

    Per California Ed Code 49079, a student’s teachers must be notified for a period of three years from the last infraction where the student violated the SSA. If the SSA Date field is populated, an asterisk (*) prints next to the student name on teacher rosters.

    Both Discipline pages have a Red Flag button that displays in red on the Student Data page. Schools should develop protocols for using the Red Flag. See Red Flags.

  2. Existing records are listed by date. Click the row of an existing record to edit information, or click Add New Discipline Record.

    The page opens, and the General tab is displayed.

  3. Click Change to add or update information. The fields are enabled.
    • Date (ADS.DT) - Enter the date on which the incident occurred.
    • Exact Time (ADS.ET) - Select the time of day, to the nearest half-hour increment, when the incident occurred.
    • Apprx (ADS.AXT) - Select the approximate time of day when the incident occurred. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: AXT).
    • School (ADS.SCL) - Select the school at which the incident occurred. (PEIMS element E1037, E0782)
    • Incident ID (ADS.IID) - The ID is a unique identifier for a specific discipline event that happened on a specific date and time, and allows you to associate multiple students and records with the same incident. All students involved in the incident, including victims and witnesses are linked with this ID. This facilitates accurate reporting of the number of incidents of a particular offense each year; the incident is only reported once, even if multiple students are involved. (E1016)

      The ID is automatically populated with the next available chronological number when the record is saved.

      If multiple students are involved in the same incident, an existing Incident ID can be copied to a new assertive discipline record. 
      • Click the spyglass icon. A window opens listing existing incident records for the current date.
      • Adjust the date as needed and click Search to locate the correct incident.
      • Click the incident row. That Incident ID is copied to the new record and the window closes.
      • See Copying Incident IDs.
    • Referrer (ADS.SRF, ADS.SR) - The drop-down list is populated with the Staff Data table (STF). Select the staff member who referred the student for disciplinary action, or type a name that is not included in the drop-down list.
      • If selecting an existing staff member, the ADS.SRF field is populated with the staff ID.
      • If a name is typed, the ADS.SR field is populated with the staff name. If the Referrer is later changed to a Staff selection from the list, the name in ADS.RF is deleted and ADS.SRF is populated with the staff ID.
      • Substitute - Select if the Referrer is a substitute teacher.

    • Location (ADS.LCN) - Select the location at which the incident occurred. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: LCN).
    • Violations (ADS.CD) - Select the violation from the list of offense codes. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: CD).
      • If a Suspendable Offense Code is selected, a Suspension Letter is automatically generated when the record is saved, depending on district settings.
      • Depending on the district setting, you may be able to enter up to five violations on a record.
    • Pre-Referral Interventions - (ADS.PI1, ADS.PI2, ADS.PI3) - Use as needed to record pre-referral intervention information related to the student and offense. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Fields: PI1, PI2, and PI3). The fields are independent from the Aeries Interventions feature and not linked to any fields in the Interventions table (INV). 
    • Possible Motivation (ADS.PM) - Select what may have motivated the student to commit the offense. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: PM).
    • Weapon Type (ADS.WT) - If a weapon was involved in the offense, select the weapon type. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: WT).
    • Demerits (ADS.DM) - The field is only displayed if demerits are used at the school. Type the number of demerits associated with the incident according to school/district policy. A decimal point can be used for partial demerits. The totals in the Total Demerits section below are updated when the record is saved.
    • Initials (ADS.INI) - Use as needed to record initials for the staff person associated with the record. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: INI). For example, the school can set up codes that reflect the initials of administrators who may be handling incidents.

      The field also allows you to enter free text, up to 6 characters.

    • Tag (ADS.TG) - Use as needed to tag a record with specific information. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: TG).
    • Instructional Support (ADS.ISI) - (California only) Select Y or N to indicate if the student received instructional support (e.g., homework) during an Incident Result action. The field is required for all students. Select N if the student is not receiving any instructional support (a total cessation of educational services). California requires teachers to provide a student in grade 1-12 who has been suspended for two or more school days, the homework they would otherwise have been assigned.

    • Various messages are displayed in a blue box for students enrolled in certain programs. In some cases these students must be given alternative disciplinary assignments.  

      The messages are only displayed for users with permission to view date in the Special Education (CSE), 504 (FOF), or Special Programs (PGM) tables.
      • "Student has 504 Plan"
        "Student has 504 Plan, but did not at the time of this incident"
        • The message is displayed if the student has a 504 plan record in effect at the time of the incident on either the 504 Plans or Special Programs page.
          • 504 Plans page (FOF table) - Effective Date (FOF.SD) and Leave Date (FOF.ED) fields are evaluated.
          • Special Programs page (PGM table) - Program Code (PGM.CD = 101), Participation Status - Start Date (PGM.PSD), and Participation Status - End Date (PGM.PED) are evaluated.
      • "Student is in Foster Care"
        • The message is displayed if student has a foster care record in effect at the time of the incident on the Special Programs page. Program Code (PGM.CD = 190), Participation Status - Start Date (PGM.PSD), and Participation Status - End Date (PGM.PED) are evaluated.
      • "Student is Homeless"
        • The message is displayed if student has a foster care record in effect at the time of the incident on the Special Programs page. Program Code (PGM.CD = 191), Participation Status - Start Date (PGM.PSD), and Participation Status - End Date (PGM.PED) are evaluated.

      • "Student with an IEP"
        "Student with an IEP, but not at the time of this incident."
        • The message is displayed if student has a special education record/IEP in effect at the time of the incident on the Special Education page. Disability (CSE.DI), Entry Date (CSE.ED), and Exit Date (CSE.XD) are evaluated.

    • Removal to Interim Alt Setting (ADS.RR) - For special education students, select the reason the student was removed to an interim alternative setting for 45 days or less. This field is required for all special education students for whom discipline incidents are being reported.
    • Description of Incident (ADS.CO) - Type a description of the incident. This description prints on the following letters and reports, depending on options selected: 
      • The center portion of the Discipline Letter and the Suspension Letter, below the violation
      • The Comments section of the Student Assertive Discipline Record Report if the Print Comments option is selected
      • The Comments section of the Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report, unless the Hide Discipline Comments is selected
    • Short Description (ADS.DE) - (Optional) Type a brief description of the incident, up to 50 characters. This description is not used anywhere else in Aeries.
  4. Click Save.

    You may be prompted to re-order codes if they are not listed in the order of severity. This step is no longer required.

  5. Click Print to print the Student Assertive Discipline Record Report, which provides many available options.

Administrative Decisions - Dispositions

The Administrative Decisions - Dispositions section allows you to record details about the action taken as a result of an offense. Multiple dispositions can be added to a record with unique information. Data is stored in the DSP table.

(Texas only) See PEIMS/TSDS Field Mapping by Page - Assertive Discipline.

  1. Click Add New Administrative Decision .

    The Administrative Decision Data from DSP Table window opens. 
    • Administrative Decision (DSP.DS, COD.DE) - If multiple dispositions are entered, the most severe will be extracted for state reporting. (PEIMS element E1005, code table C164)
    • Action Decision Date (DSP.DA) - Enter the date on which the disciplinary assignment was ordered. This may or may not be the date on which the infraction occurred or the date on which the disciplinary assignment begins. For continuation assignments the date should be the first day of the school year of the continuation. (PEIMS element E1036)
    • Action Inconsistent With Code of Conduct Policy (DSP.IC) - (Texas only) Indicate whether the action (out-of-school suspension, disciplinary alternative education program placement, or expulsion) is inconsistent with a LEA's student code of conduct. (PEIMS element E1656)
    • School of Disciplinary Assignment (DSP.DA) - (Texas only) Select the school in which the student was placed for disciplinary reasons. (PEIMS element E1003)
    • Days

      NOTE: The Assigned and Served field are only displayed if the district option is selected (described above). Otherwise only one field is displayed for Days, Hours, Start Date, End Date, and Return Date, and the actual information should be recorded.
      • Assigned (DSP.IDY) - Type the official length in days of a student’s disciplinary assignment. (E1007)
      • Served (DSP.DY) - Type the number of days actually served of the student’s disciplinary assignment. (PEIMS element E1008)
    • Hours (DSP.IHR, DSP.HR) - If the disciplinary assignment is less than one day, enter the number of hours. If the actual hours served differ from the assigned hours, enter both numbers.

      The Hours field is not displayed if Hide the Discipline Administrative Decision Hours Field is selected on District Settings.

    • Start Date (DSP.IDD, DSP.DD) - Enter the date on which the disciplinary assignment begins. If the actual start date differs from the assigned start date, enter both dates.
    • End Date (DSP.IED, DSP.ED) - Enter the date on which the disciplinary assignment ended. If the actual end date differs from the assigned end date, enter both dates. 
    • Return Date (DSP.IRD, DSP.RD) - Enter the date on which the student returned to school.
    • Reason Different (DSP.RDD) - (Texas only) - Select the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student’s disciplinary assignment. The field is only available when using Assigned and Served fields. (PEIMS element E1009, code set C166)
    • Return Status (DSP.RST) - Use as needed to indicate the student's status upon returning to school. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DSP, Field: RST).
    • Return Location (DSP.RL) - Use as needed to indicate the student's location upon returning to school. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DSP, Field: RL).
    • Authority (DSP.AA ) - (California only) - Indicate the agency which authorizes the Incident Result for a student.
    • Placement (DSP.PL) - Use as needed to indicate the student's status upon returning to school. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DSP, Field: RST).
    • Result (DSP.RS) - Use as needed to indicate the result of the disciplinary action. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DSP, Field: RS).
    • Suspension Tag (DSP.ST) - Use as needed to indicate the suspension status. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: DSP, Field: ST).
  2. Click Save.

Under Administrative Decision (Disposition) Totals This Year, a count of actions for the school year to date is calculated. The fields displayed depend on district settings.

  • Action (DSP.DS) - All administrative actions taken for the student this year are listed.
  • Count - The total count of records for each administrative action is calculated.
  • Total Days - The total number of days served for each administrative action is calculated based on the Days field (DSP.DY) or the Days - Served field (DSP.IDY) depending on district settings.
  • Total Hours - If any disposition was served for a partial day, the total hours served for each administrative action is calculated based on the Hours field (DSP.HR) or the Hours - Served field (DSP.IHR) depending on district settings.

Total Demerits

The Total Demerits section is displayed if enabled in district settings (described above). The counts are calculated using the Demerits (ADS.DM) field in the incident record.

A demerit is a point or partial point given to a student as a penalty for a discipline infraction. Demerit policies must be well communicated to the school community and covered in the Student Handbook so that staff, student, and their family are well informed.

  • This Year - The total count of demerits accumulated in the current school year.
  • Cumulative - The total count of demerits accumulated in all school years in the district, as available in the database.

The counts are automatically updated when data is added or updated in the Demerits field (ADS.DM). The counts are calculated and not stored in the database.

Demerit Reports and Queries

  • Reports > Student Data > Students With N or More Discipline Demerits - The report provides a list of students with a minimum total number of demerits for a specified date range, which can include prior school years.

    The report allows students to be tagged, which allows the ability to query student demerit information along with other criteria and filters using the Aeries Query feature. See Query Overview and Report Tags.

Copy Incident to Other Students

The Copy features allows you to associate multiple students with the same incident. The same Incident ID is assigned to all students involved which facilitates accurate incident counts.

  1. Click Copy.
    The incident information will be copied. You are prompted to select which additional records to copy.
    • Copy the corresponding DSP records if any - Select in order to copy the administrative decision (i.e., disposition) data along with the incident information.
    • Copy the corresponding EXP records if any - If there is expulsion information related to the incident entered on the Expulsions tab, select in order to copy the expulsion data along with the incident information.
    • Use the same Incident ID#. If not, then the next available Incident ID number will be assigned to each selected student - Select to copy the incident ID to all selected students.

  2. Select all other students involved in the incident.
  3. Click Copy.

    A message displays the number of students to whom the record was copied. Click OK.

    The incident will now be listed on the Assertive Discipline page for all associated students and can be updated as needed for individual students.

    • (California only) The SSA Date field is NOT automatically copied and must be manually entered for all associated students if applicable.
    • Attendance must be manually entered for any suspended students during the time of the disposition. The Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report assists in locating the students who need their attendance manually updated. See Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report.

If the student was assigned a suspendable offense code (as specified on the Update Suspendable Offense Codes page) a red message states "Click "Letter" upon completion of all data entry..." and the Letter button is red.

NOTE: For non-suspendable offenses, clicking the Letter button opens the discipline letter instead of the suspension letter.

  1. Click Letter.

    You are prompted to indicate whether you want to print a suspension letter. Click Yes.

  2. A window opens that is populated with the letter text as entered on the Suspension Letter Text Editor page. See Assertive Discipline and Suspension Letter Setup.

    For non-suspendable offenses, the letter text is from the Discipline Letter Text Editor page.

  3. To add a different letter, click Add Letter. The page is cleared allowing you to enter text for a new letter. Click Save Letter when done.
  4. To edit the existing letter, click Change Letter. The text is enabled allowing you to make changes. Click Save Letter when done.
  5. To delete the letter displayed, click Delete Letter.

    You are prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the letter. Click OK.

  6. To add footer text to the letter, such as a signature line, click Footer.

    A window opens allowing you to add or update the footer text. Click Add or Change to make necessary additions or  changes and click Save.

    You will also need to select Display Footer Text when printing.

  7. Click Print to print the letter. You are prompted to make additional selections related to printing. Click OK.

    • Using Pre-Printed Letterhead - Select to leave additional room at the top of the page to accommodate letterhead.
    • Print School Telephone and Print School Address on Left - If not using letterhead, select to print the school address and telephone number in the top-left corner of the letter. This information is only printed if Using Pre-Printed Letterhead is not selected.
      Display Footer Text  - Select to print the Footer text as entered in the Suspension Letter editor described above.
    • Display Signature Line  - Select to print the signature line as entered in the Footer Text of the Suspension Letter editor described above.
    • Print to Contacts -  Select to print a copy of the letter for all contacts where the Mail Tag field (CON.MT) on the Contacts page is set to A-Copy of All Mail.
    • Print School Copy - Select to print a copy of the letter for school records. The letter will automatically print after the contact letters, and the message SCHOOL COPY will print in the top-right corner. The school copy will always print in English.
  8. To leave the page without printing, click Exit.

Other Violators Tab

For each incident, the students associated with the same Incident ID are automatically listed on the Other Violators tab.

By default the Stu ID and Name are obscured with asterisks. Click Display Other Violators to see the data.

Additional Info Tab

On the Assertive Discipline page the Additional Info tab allows you to enter further information about an incident. You must first select a specific incident.

  1. Select the incident.
  2. Click Change to add or edit information.
    • Law Enforcement Notified (ADS.LNF) - Use as needed to indicate whether law enforcement was notified. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Field: LNF).
    • Police Incident # (ADS.PIN) - (Optional) If a police report was made, you can enter the police incident number. This is not the same as the Aeries Incident ID.
    • Notifications - Date (ADS.ND1-ADS.ND4) - Use as needed to indicate the dates when various people were notified.
    • Notifications - Type & Description (ADS.NY1-ADS.NY4) - Use as needed to indicate the various people notified about an incident. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: ADS, Fields: NY1, NY2, NY3, NY4).
    • Grade Level (ADS.GR) - Select the student's grade level at the time of the incident.
    • Final Disposition Date (ADS.FDD) - Use as needed to record the final date of the disposition for this incident.
    • Suspension Expulsion Date (ADS.SXD) - Use as needed to record the date of the suspension or expulsion.
    • Spec Ed Hearing Date (ADS.SHD) - Use as needed to record the special education hearing date if applicable.
    • SSSP Team Review (ADS.SSP) - (Texas only) Use as needed to record wither there was a Safe and Supportive Schools Program (SSSP) review. (PEIMS element E1734)
    • SSSP Team Review Date (ADS.SDT) - (Texas only) Use as needed to record the date of the Safe and Supportive Schools Program (SSSP) review.  
    • User1-User8 - (ADS.U1-ADS.U8) - Use as needed. These eight customizable field labels can be defined on the Define Custom Captions page for district-level use. The default names are User1 - User8. See Define Custom Captions.
    • Other Comments - (ADS.C02) - Use as needed to add additional comments.
  3. Click Save.

Expulsions Tab

An expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from the learning setting.

On the Assertive Discipline page the Expulsions tab allows you to enter further details about an expulsion if relevant. Data is stored in the Expulsions table (EXP). You must first select a specific incident.

  1. Select the incident.
  2. Click Change.
    • Use the various date fields as needed to record administration dates related to the student's expulsion.
    • Chairperson Name (EXP.CCP) - Use as needed to record the name of the chairperson.
    • Disciplinary Action Modification - Use as needed to indicate the reason an expulsion was modified, if relevant. The codes and descriptions are maintained on Update Code Table (Table: EXP, Field: EMC).
    • User1-User8 - (EXP.U1-EXP.U8) - Use as needed. These eight customizable field labels can be defined on the Define Custom Captions page for district-level use. The default names are User1 - User8. See Define Custom Captions.
    • Other Comments - (EXP.C0) - Use as needed to add additional comments.
  3. Click Update.

Victims & Witnesses Tabs

On the Assertive Discipline page the Victims and Witnesses tabs display details about any students associated to the incident as a victim or a witness. This information is maintained on separate Victims and Witness pages and tied to the incident via the incident ID.

By default the Stu ID, Name, and other data are obscured with asterisks. Click Display Victim/Witness Info to see the data.

Behavioral Emergency Actions Tab

All students who are restrained for disciplinary reasons must be reported to the state.

On the Assertive Discipline page the Behavioral Emergency Actions tab allows you to record details about any emergency actions taken for a student related to a particular incident. See Behavioral Emergency.


The following reports are available from Reports > Student Data:

Student Discipline Report/DIS (school level)

The Student Discipline Report/DIS Report lists selected (or all) students who have a discipline incident record (DIS table), one student per page, including the offense, date, location, staff, comment, and other information.

The report can be run for a date or range of dates and is only available at the school level.

Student Assertive Discipline Record

The Student Assertive Discipline Record Report provides a list by student of selected (or all) offenses codes and disposition codes with several options for sorting, printing, and data to include. You can print up to 1000 records.

Suspension Attendance Listing by Student (school level)

Attendance data for suspended students must be manually entered.

The Suspension Attendance Listing by Student Report compares students who have been suspended against the attendance table and shows the student's attendance record for the suspension date. This helps campus staff locate students who still need their attendance manually updated. The report is only available at the school level.

Students With N or More Discipline Demerits

The Students With N or More Discipline Demerits Report lists students who have X or more demerits for a specified date range, which can include prior school years. The report allows students to be tagged, which allows the ability to query student demerit information along with other criteria and filters using the Aeries Query feature. See Query Overview and Report Tags.

Discipline Distribution Report

The Discipline Distribution Report prints a grid by offense with counts of incidents by grade level, gender, ethnicity/ race, and other options. The report can be run for Discipline (DIS) or Assertive Discipline (ADS) offenses.

Behavioral Emergency

The Behavioral Emergency Report lists all or selected students who had to be restrained, with an option to print one student per page.