Adding new Language Codes to COD table and XRF translations
CALPADS implemented new 3-character Language codes on 09/19/2023. Aeries automatically mapped the old CALPADS codes to the new 3-character codes as of 09/19/2023 upon loading the CALPADS Extracts. New codes display in the CALPADS Extracts > Code Translations > Code Set: Languages (STU.HL). Only codes that are currently mapped were re-mapped to the 3-character Language code and will display in the XRF Languages Code Set (excluding custom codes or unmapped codes). The new 3-character Language code is used in the CALPADS SELA extract. LEAs will continue to use the STU.HL field as-is and will only see the changes in the SELA Extract file.
See New CALPADS Language codes for a partial listing of all 3-character Language codes.
Mapping Existing Codes ↑
NOTE: As of 9/17/2024, the Effective Date for SY 2023-2024 has been removed and is no longer needed. The system will continue to process the extracts according to the information below but a trigger date is no longer necessary since the date is in the past.
On the Enrollment Update tab, under SENR, an effective date for SY 2023-24 was added to be used as a trigger date for implementing the required CALPADS 2023-24 changes. The date will default to 09/19/2023 and will be used to trigger the following:
- SINF-Extract Parent Ed Levels from CON for both Parent/Guardian1 and Parent/Guardian2.
- SELA-Extract the new 3 character language codes
- SENR-Extract the Graduation Exemption indicator value (used for the current 9th grade students-class of 2026-2027)
On or after the Effective date, upon loading the CALPADS Extracts > Code Translations for STU.HL, the conversion will begin and all existing 2 character codes will be re-mapped to the 3-character Language codes (excluding custom codes). It is not recommended to update this date unless CALPADS changes the release date for these 2023-24 changes (Parent Ed Level, 3-character Language codes and Graduation Exemption Indicator).
After the conversion, the list will display with the 3 character code as shown below.
Adding new Language Codes to COD table and XRF translations ↑
Additional language codes can be added to Aeries that can be mapped to the CALPADS 3-character
Language codes. The 2-character Language code must first be added to the COD table page for the Reporting Language (STU.HL) field, then added to the CALPADS Extracts > Code Set: Languages to be mapped to the 3 character code.
STU.HL is an alpha-numeric field and can contain many 2 digits codes. Users will continue to use STU.HL as a 2-digit field. It is recommended that codes start with C1-C9, D1-D9, etc. Codes can also be populated with CA, CB, CC, etc. if needed.
The Code Translation > Code Set: Languages (STU.HL) will display with all newly mapped 3-character Language codes. The new code list has over 400 + languages. It is only necessary to map the codes that are being used.
Custom codes will not be automatically mapped and must be translated by the user. Custom codes are the ones where (the STU.HL Aeries Language code on left (XRF.CD1)) is not one of the old CALPADS language codes. The custom codes are not deleted and will appear untranslated. It will be up to the LEA to ensure these custom codes are mapped to a 3-character Language code, if applicable.
On 9/19/2023, when all codes have been automatically mapped, it is important to review all Languages to ensure all codes are mapped appropriately. If a language code needs to be mapped, select the edit icon next to the Language on the left side, then select the appropriate 3-character Language code from the drop-down on the right side. Select SAVE to save the record mapping.
Security ↑
Table | Permission | Description |
Code Table (COD) | Read Insert Update Delete | View page Add new record Update records Delete Records |
State Reporting | Admin | Administer |
Tables ↑
Beginning with the Aeries Update released 9/15/2023, a DPT record will be added with a date of 09/19/2023 that will be used as the trigger for extracting the new 3 character language code in the SELA extract.
Table | Field | Description |
DPT.NM | CLPD_LANGUAGE_CODES_CHANGES_STARTDATE | DPT record that is used to trigger the CALPADS 2023-24 changes (Parent Ed Level, 3 character Language codes and Graduation Exemption Indicator). |
DPT.CD | MM/DD/YYYY = 09/19/2023 | The trigger date field used to generate the SELA extract along with the SENR (STU.GEX) and SINF (Parent/Guardian 2 Parent Ed Level) |
NOTE: All existing mapped Language Codes will be remapped to the 3-character Language code, excluding custom codes. STU.HL will continue to be used as a 2-character Language code in Aeries and will extract into CALPADS extract files as a 3-character Language code. Due to this change, it is important to review all Languages to ensure all codes are mapped appropriately.
Managing Home Language Codes ↑
It is important each year to update any new Reporting Language codes that are used in Student Demographics > RptgLng. These codes are not automatically added to the XRF Code Translations table. It is suggested each year after all Student Demographic information has been updated in Aeries, to update those record in the CALPADS Extracts > Code Translations > Languages (STU.HL) code set.
Users will first add any new languages being used by the District into Update Code Table > STU.HL.
Prior to the first SELA submission, update the Languages Code Translations by navigating to CALPADS Extracts > Update Code Translations > Languages (STU.HL).
Once updated, a green message will appear. Any records that didn't already exist in XRF will be added and display on the left. These records will now need to be mapped to a CALPADS 3 character code.
Locate the record in the dropdown, select edit, then on the CALPADS dropdown on the right, find the record that matches the desired mapped code. In this example, American Sign Language is being updated to the recently implemented 'ase' record from CALPADS. Select the appropriate code for mapping, then select the SAVE icon.
The record is now mapped appropriately. This will need to be done for any unmapped language codes being used and reported by the District.