


Add Letter Text

Generate Report/Letters


Navigate to School Info > Letter Text Editor > Immunizations Letter Text Editor

The Immunizations Letter Text Editor is used to create letters for students who have missing and/or expired immunizations based on the results of running the Student Immunization Status report for a selected date. The editor can also be used to generate letters in other correspondence languages.

The text entered in the top and bottom portion of the editor will accompany the letter body. The body of the letter will contain the name of the vaccine, missing dose(s), and exemption expiration date if applicable.


Immunizations Text Letter EditorRead the Letter Editor pageLETRead
Add Letter LETInsert
Change Letter LETUpdate
Delete LetterLETDelete
Generate Notifications/LettersRun Student Immunization StatusIMMRead
Print Letters         IMMAdminister


  • On Update Code Table, the Contact Record Type (CON.CD) must have at least one code set up which will be used to identify any contacts who are restricted and should never receive any communication. Any code where Amount = 9.00 will be used by Aeries for this purpose.

Add Letter Text  

  1. Click Add to add a letter, including a letter in another language.
  2. In the Letter ID field, type the name for the letter.

    The letter must be named exactly the same for all languages in order to ensure that it automatically prints according to the language designated in the Correspondence Language field (CorrLng - (CON.CL) on the Contacts page.

  3. In the Correspondence Language Association select the correspondence language for which this letter will be used.
    Note: After you save the letter you cannot go back and edit the Correspondence Language. You will need to create a new letter.

  4. In the two text editor areas, enter the translated text.

    The text added to the Top Portion and Bottom Portion will appear on the letter above and below the student's immunization data, respectively.

    • The text area boxes have Rich Text Editor capabilities allowing formatting options such as bold and colored, fonts, highlighted text, background colors, and other custom formatting.

    • The editor supports fields from the Student table (STU) and can be added by enclosing the the field name in brackets [ ].  For example, [FN] prints the student's first name, [LN] prints the student's last name and [NM] prints the student's first and last name on the letter.
    • Text may be copied into the editor however, we recommend pasting as plain text to avoid including any hidden formatting. To paste as plain text, right-click your mouse in either the top or bottom portion of the letter editor and choose the option Paste as plain text or use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL key + Shift key + V).
    • NOTE: The parent/guardian names for the letter are pulled from Mailing Name (CON.NM) field on the Contacts page, and the address from the address fields on that page (CON.AD, CON.CY, CON.ST, and CON.ZP).

  5. Click Save.
  6. To edit an existing letter, select the Letter ID and click Change.

Generate Report/Letters  

From the Immunizations Letter Text Editor, click on the Print Immunization Status button
OR Navigate to Reports > Student Data > Student Immunization Status

This report generates immunization data according to the selected process and can be used in conjunction with the Immunizations Letter Text Editor page to generate customized letters that can be sent to parents or guardians regarding missing immunizations or expired exemptions. The report honors KEEP/SKIP queries and student groups.

  1. Select the process. The report or notification is generated based on information recorded for the student on the Immunizations page.  See Immunizations
    • Students with Missing Immunizations - Includes students missing one or more required immunizations as of the Process Date chosen.  Select Add Missing IMM Records if you wish to create a blank Immunization record for students who are missing a record.  These students will print as:  The Student has no immunization records.
    • Students with Expired Exemptions - Includes students with one or more expired immunization exemption based as of the Process Date chosen.

      NOTE:  Select both processes:  Students with Missing Immunizations and Students With Expired Exemptions to create a one notification for students who may have both.

    • Students with All Requirements - Prints a report of students who have met all immunization requirements as of the current date run. No notifications can be generated.

  2. Select other criteria as needed.  
    The Sort by options only apply when your run the report.  All letter notifications are sorted by school, student last name, and first name.
  3. Click Run Report to generate a report according to the selected process.
  4. Or, click Generate Notifications to print letters for students with missing and/or expired exemptions.
  5. If you clicked Generate Notifications you are prompted to select additional options.

  6. To edit the letter text (top or bottom), click Click here to view or edit the letter. The Immunizations Letter Text Editor page opens.
  7. Select the Contacts who will receive the letter.
    • Parent Guardians / Primary Contacts - Any contact designated as Primary Contact (CON.PC) on the Contacts page.
    • All Education Rights Holders - Any contact whose Ed Rights Holder field (CON.ERN) is selected on the Contacts page.
    • NOTE:  Any contacts designated as restricted based on the Contact Record Type (CON.CD) will be excluded and not receive a letter. See Configurations section above.
  8. Select Print one letter per address to print only one letter per address. If not selected, a letter will be generated for each selected contact even if they are at the same address as other selected contacts.
  9. Click Print Letters.

    The letters are printed according to the options and process selected.

    The current date will always print on the letter.

    The return and mailing addresses will print to fit a standard window or double window envelope.
    If you use letterhead, select None for the return Address.

    The letter header and footer contain the custom text as entered on the Immunizations Letter Text Editor page, according to the Correspondence Language of the selected recipient.

    The letter body contains the report as selected in the Process options and lists the vaccine(s), dose(s) due, and exemption expiration dates if applicable.

    Note: Students are report tagged as missing immunizations when you Generate Notifications and Print Letters.
    Query students who were sent letters:

    LIST STU RTG FN LN GR PG AD CY ST ZC ZX IF RNM = 'PrintStudentImmunizationDueLetter' AND QT = "V"

    This report tag resets each time you click Print Letters and a copy of the letters are stored in View All Reports > Report History

    Click on the Report and Download Report or View Report

    You will see a copy of all letters created and are able to search for a specific student.