The following extensions are included in the InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension:


StaffExtension (not reported from Aeries for PEIMS) 

StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociationExtension (not reported from Aeries)



ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExtension (not reported from Aeries)

PayrollExtension (not reported from Aeries)


(1) = Fall PEIMS (Submission 1)

(4) = Extended PEIMS (Submission 4)

(CR) = Class Roster - Fall & Winter

(ECDS-PK) = TSDS ECDS Prekindergarten

(ECDS-KG) = TSDS ECDS Kindergarten

* Aeries Table.Fields that have an asterisk must be mapped on Texas State Reporting > Code Translations.


  • (ECDS-PK) Extracts all teachers and their sections based on schools selected for the extract where at least one PK student (STU.GR = -1) was ever enrolled in that section this school year (based on CAR records), including inactive students.
  • (ECDS-KG) Extracts all teachers and their sections based on schools selected for the extract where at least one KG student (STU.GR = 0) was ever enrolled in that section this school year (based on CAR records), including inactive students.


This extension is only extracted for teachers with the following:

  • No existing sections (i.e., 0 records listed under Staff > Master Schedule Classes)
  • Role Description on Staff > Job Assignments is 087-Teacher (STJ.JC = 087)
  • One or more TIA Designations selected on Staff > Staff Data (STF.TIA)
SubmissionElement ID
(Code Table)
Data ElementAeries Table.FieldAeries PageLabel

StaffUnique ID








  • GR1: For the Class Roster Winter Submission, the TeacherSchoolAssociation complex type must be reported for each teacher (ROLE-ID 087) reported with a TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE (E1722) on the StaffExtension complex type if the teacher is not reported with a TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type.

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30040-0055: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is reported, there must be a TeacherSchoolAssociation or a TeacherSectionAssociation with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30040-0056: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is not reported, then there must not be a TeacherSchoolAssociation reported for this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30310-0001: For a TeacherSchoolAssociation, there must be a staff person with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE.

Special Warning:

  • 30305-0028: For the Class Roster collection, if both TeacherSchoolAssociation and TeacherSectionAssociation data are reported with matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID but different CAMPUS-ID values, a special warning message will be displayed asking for verification of this teacher’s assignments.
(CR) E0266

School OptionsCounty + District + Campus








  • CCC = LOC.CC
  • DDD = LOC.DC
  • SSS = LOC.SC
Rule (FATAL):
  • 30310-0002: CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in 001-698, or match an entry registered with the TEA as a financial campus ending in 999.

Special Warnings:

  • 30305-0028: For the Class Roster collection, if both TeacherSchoolAssociation and TeacherSectionAssociation data are reported with matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID but different CAMPUS-ID values, a special warning message will be displayed asking for verification of this teacher’s assignments.
  • 30310-0003: If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are 999 for a TeacherSchoolAssociation reported for the Class Roster collection, there should not be another Teacher School Association reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID where the last three characters are CAMPUS-ID are not 999.

Additional Rule:

  • 30310-000DThe combination of the following fields must be unique for each TeacherSchoolAssociation: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and CAMPUS-ID.


(not reported from Aeries for PEIMS)

SubmissionElement ID
(Code Table)
Data ElementAeries Table.FieldAeries PageLabel
Staff id

LOC.SCSchool OptionsCampus
STF.IDStaffStaff ID
<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">



  • SSS = LOC.SC
  • CCC = STF.ID

<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">



Rules (FATAL):
  • 30040-0002: For each staff person, Teacher Class Assignment (Teacher Section Association) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID. 
  • 30040-0038: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must match an entry in the TSDS Unique ID system.
  • (4) 30040-0039: If TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID matches a Unique Id in the TSDS Unique Id system, but two or three of the three major demographics (FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and STAFF-ID) do NOT match the major demographics for that entry in the TSDS Unique ID system, then a fatal error will be issued.
  • 30040-0047: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for any other staff person reported for this LEA.
  • 30305-0002: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a TeacherSectionAssociation must match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a staff person.

<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">

<StaffIdentificationCode IdentificationSystem="State">




  • DR1: The STAFF-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM will always be reported with a value of “State” to identify the state STAFF-ID for the staff member.
Rule (FATAL):
  • 30040-0027: For reporting a staff's Social Security number data with STAFF-ID (such as to PEIMS), STAFF-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM must be "State".

STAFF-ID  STF.SSStaffSocial Security #
<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">

<StaffIdentificationCode IdentificationSystem="State">




Rules (FATAL):
  • 30040-0005: STAFF-ID must be 9 numeric characters.
  • 30040-0028: If STAFF-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM is "State", each character of STAFF-ID must not be the same number.
  • 30040-0029: If STAFF-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM is "State", the first three characters of STAFF-ID must be between 001-899 (excluding 666), the fourth and fifth characters must be between 01-99, and the last four characters must be between 0001-9999.
  • 30040-0030: If STAFF-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM is "State", then STAFF-ID must be 9 numeric characters.
  • (4) 30040-0048: STAFF-ID must not match STAFF-ID for any other staff person reported for this LEA.

Special Warning:

  • 30040-0024FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, SEX-CODE, and DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be identical on staff reported with two or more different STAFF-IDs.

<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">





where First = STF.FN
Special Warning:
  • 30040-0050FIRST-NAME should not end with " JR", " SR", " I", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI", " VII", " VIII", " IX", or " X" (not case sensitive).


STF.MNStaffMiddle Name

<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">





where MiddleName = STF.MN

Omitted if blank.

Special Warning:
  • 30040-0022: MIDDLE-NAME should not end with JR, SR, I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, or X (not case sensitive).

Last Name
<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">




where Last = STF.LN
Special Warnings:
  • 30040-0050LAST-NAME should not end with " JR", " SR", " I", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI", " VII", " VIII", " IX", or " X" (not case sensitive).
E1303 (DC148)


<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">





where Suffix = STF.SF

Full DC148 Code Translation is used rather than code.

E1325 (DC119)



<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">



where Sex = STF.SX

Full DC119 Code Translation is used rather than code.

(CR) E0006



<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">




Rule (FATAL):
  • 30040-0007: DATE-OF-BIRTH must be a valid date.
(CR) E1375


<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">



where true/false = 

  • 'true' if STF.EC = Y, or
  • 'false' if STF.EC = N
(CR) E1343 (DC097)


STF.RC1 - STF.RC5StaffRace-Race5

<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">





where Race = 

  • 'American Indian - Alaskan Native' if STF.RC1/RC2/RC3/RC4/RC5 = 01
  • 'Asian' if STF.RC1/RC2/RC3/RC4/RC5 = 02
  • 'Black - African American' if STF.RC1/RC2/RC3/RC4/RC5 = 03
  • 'Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander' if STF.RC1/RC2/RC3/RC4/RC5 = 04
  • 'White' if STF.RC1/RC2/RC3/RC4/RC5 = 05

One entry for each race associated with the employee.

Full DC097 Code Translation is used rather than code.

(CR) E1460 (DC077)

STF.ELStaffEducation Lvl

<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">



where Level = STF.EL

Full DC077 Code Translation is used rather than code.


Total Years of Edu Service

<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">

<YearsOfPriorTeachingExperience>NN</YearsOfPriorTeachingExperience >


where NN = STF.TYS


DISTRICT-IDLOC.CC + LOC.DCSchool OptionsCounty + District
<Staff id="STF_SSS_CCC">







  • CCC = LOC.CC
  • DDD = LOC.DC
E1073 (C181)

not extracted

not required for TSDS

(ECDS-PK) E1581 (C207)

STF.ECCStaffEarly Childhood Cert

<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">



where XX = STF.ECC if present; omitted if blank
Special Warnings:
  • 30040-0049: If this staff person has a TeacherSectionAssociation with a CLASSROOM-POSITION of "Teacher of Record" and for a Course Section where HIGH-QUALITY-PK-PROGRAM-INDICATOR is 1, then PK-TEACHER-REQUIREMENT should not be blank.
  • 30040-0057: If PK-TEACHER-REQUIREMENT is not blank, this staff person should have a TeacherSectionAssociation with a CLASSROOM-POSITION of "Teacher of Record" for a Course Section where HIGH-QUALITY-PK-PROGRAM-INDICATOR is 1.
(CR) E1721 (C088)


<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">



where 0/1 = 1 if STF.TICY = true; otherwise 0
Rules (FATAL):
  • 30040-0058: If at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is reported for a staff person, then CREDITABLE-YEAR-OF-SERVICE-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.
E1722 (DC165)


<Staff id="STF_SSS_NNNNNN">







where Code# = STF.TIA, up to three codes
Full DC165 Code Translation is used rather than code.
Rules (FATAL):
  • 30040-0054: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is not reported, then Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30040-0055: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is reported, then there must be a TeacherSchoolAssociation or a TeacherSectionAssociation with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30040-0056: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is not reported, then there must not be a TeacherSchoolAssociation reported for this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30040-0058: If at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is reported for a staff person, then CREDITABLE-YEAR-OF-SERVICE-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.
  • 30310-0001: For a TeacherSchoolAssociation, there must be a staff person with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and at least one TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE.

Additional Rules:

  • (4) Only teachers teaching students in ADSY who have teaching responsibilities (Role IDs 047 and 087) should be reported.
  • 10020-0028: For each campus registered with TEA as an active instructional campus (except JJAEPs), there should be data for each teacher.
  • 30040-000C: The combination of the following fields must be unique for each staff person: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and DISTRICT-ID.
  • 30040-0002: For each staff person, Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30305-0002: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a TeacherSectionAssociation must match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a staff person. See Referential Integrity for Class Roster.
  • 30040-000C: The combination of the following fields must be unique for each staff person: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID and DISTRICT-ID.
  • (CR) 30040-0052: For a staff person being reported for the Class Roster collection, the following must not be blank: STAFF-ID, SEX, DATE-OF-BIRTH, HISPANIC-LATINO-ETHNICITY, HIGHEST-LEVEL-OF-EDUCATION-COMPLETED, YEARS-OF-PRIOR-TEACHING-EXPERIENCE, and at least one RACIAL-CATEGORY.
  • (CR-Fall) GR1: Fall Submission: Only LEA-employed or contracted staff serving an LEA as of the last Friday in September who have a ROLE-ID 087 (Teacher) or ROLE-ID 047 (Long-term Substitute Teacher) should be reported.
  • (CR-Winter) GR1: Winter Submission: Only LEA-employed or contracted staff serving an LEA as of the last Friday in February who have a ROLE-ID 087 (Teacher) or ROLE-ID 047 (Long-term Substitute Teacher) should be reported.


SubmissionElement ID
(Code Table)
Data ElementAeries Table.FieldAeries PageLabel
(1) (4)

School OptionsCounty + District








  • CCC = LOC.CC
  • DDD = LOC.DC 
(1) (4)

StaffUnique ID








Rule (FATAL):

  • (4) 30040-0039: If TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID matches a Unique Id in the TSDS Unique Id system, but two or three of the three major demographics (FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and STAFF-ID) do NOT match the major demographics for that entry in the TSDS Unique ID system, then a fatal error will be issued.
  • (4) 30040-0047: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for any other staff person reported for this LEA.
  • (1) 30090-0002: For a staff responsibility, there must be a staff person with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • (1) 30090-0006: There must not be more than 199 staff responsibilities for a particular TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.

Special Warning:

  • (1) 30090-0058: There should not be 100-199 staff responsibilities for a particular TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
(1) (4)

School OptionsCounty + District + Campus








  • CCC = LOC.CC
  • DDD = LOC.DC
  • SSS = LOC.SC
Rule (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0024: If ROLE-ID is 002, 005-007, 011, 015-018, 021, 023-024, 026, 036, 040-042, 047, or 056, then CAMPUS-ID must not be 701-703, 720, or 750.
  • (1) 30090-0052: If ROLE-ID is 087 or 047 (teacher or substitute teacher), and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not 06 or 08 (special education students or Adult Basic Education students), the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be 701-703, 720, or 750.
(1) (4)
E0721 (C021)

ROLE-IDSTJ.JCStaffRole Description




where XXX = STJ.JC
Rules (FATAL):
  • (4) 30090-0122: For Submission 4, ROLE-ID must be 047 or 087.
  • (1) 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033, 036, 047, or 087 (i.e., instructional), the following must be provided: CLASS-ID-NUMBER, NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS, CLASS-TYPE-CODE, and MONTHLY-MINUTES.
  • (10 30090-0051: If ROLE-ID is 087 or 047 (substitute teacher or teacher), then SERVICE-ID must not be SS001000-SS010000, SS012000-SS019000, or SAXXXXXX.
  • (1) 30090-0052: If ROLE-ID is 087 or 047 (teacher or substitute teacher), and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not 06 or 08 (special education students or Adult Basic Education students), the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be 701-703, 720, or 750.
  • (1) 30090-0086: There must be at least one staff person with ROLE-ID 047 or 087 (substitute teacher or teacher).
  • (1) 30090-0120: If ROLE-ID is 033, 047, or 087 (paraprofessional educational aide, substitute teacher, or teacher) and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is 06 (special education students), then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must not be blank.
  • (1) 30090-000B: For a staff Responsibility where ROLE-ID is one of the following, the combination of the following fields must be unique for each staff responsibility: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER:
    • 002 Art Therapist
    • 007 Corrective Therapist
    • 015 Music Therapist
    • 016 Occupational Therapist
    • 017 Certified Orientation and /Mobility Specialist (COMS)
    • 018 Physical Therapist
    • 021 Recreational Therapist
    • 026 Speech Therapist/Speech/Language Pathologist
    • 032 Work-Based Learning Site/Coordinator
    • 033 Educational Aide
    • 036 Certified Interpreter
    • 047 Substitute Teacher
    • 087 Teacher 

Special Warnings:

  • (1) 30090-0057: If the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID match DISTRICT-ID and the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are less than 699, then for each campus that has a staff person with ROLE-ID 087, there should be at least one student enrollment with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.
  • (1) 30090-0078: If ROLE-ID is 087 or 047, then CAMPUS-ID should not end with 998 or 999.
(1) (4)
E0724 (C022)

SERVICE-IDCRS.SVC, orCoursesService ID




CRS.SVC = responsibilities related to staff member's sections;
STJ.SVC = responsibilities related to a staff member's role
Rules (FATAL):
  • (4) 50300-0004: SERVICE-ID must not begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8.
  • (1) 30090-0051: If ROLE-ID is 087 or 047 (substitute teacher or teacher), then SERVICE-ID must not be SS001000-SS010000, SS012000-SS019000, or SAXXXXXX.
  • (1) 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, the following fields must not be blank: NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3, and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4.
  • (1) 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), the following fields must be blank/not reported: NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3, and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4.
(1) (4)

MST.SEMaster ScheduleSection




  • CCCCCCCCCC = LOC.CD (zero padded) 
Rules (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033, 036, 047, or 087 (i.e., instructional), CLASS-ID-NUMBER is required.
(1) (4)
E0747 (C030)

POPULATION-SERVED-CODEMST.PSV first (originates from CRS.PSV), or Master SchedulePopulation Served




where XX = MST.PSV if present; otherwise STJ.PSV
Rules (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0022: If SERVICE-ID begins with SE (special education), then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be 06 (special education students).
  • (1) 30090-0120: If ROLE-ID is 033, 047, or 087 (paraprofessional educational aide, substitute teacher, or teacher) and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is 06 (special education students), then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must not be blank.

Special Warnings:

  • (1) 30090-0060: If SERVICE-ID is 127XXXXX, 130XXXXX, N127XXXX, or N130XXXX, then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE should be 05 or 06.
E0017 (C050)

GRADE-LEVEL-CODEMST.LOMaster ScheduleGrd Range (low)




where XX = MST.LO
Rule (FATAL):
  • 30090-0120: If ROLE-ID is 033, 047, or 087 (paraprofessional educational aide, substitute teacher, or teacher) and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is 06 (special education students), then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must not be blank.
(1) (4)

Course Attendance

STJ.NOSStaff > Job AssignmentsNumber of Students




where XXX = count based on CAR.SC, CAR.SE, and CAR.CN as of the Snapshot date; otherwise STJ.NOS (if by role (staff with no sections)

Rules (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033, 036, 047, or 087 (i.e., instructional), NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be provided.
  • (1) 30090-0023: If SERVICE-ID is SR000007 (unassigned professional classroom duty), then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be 0.
(1) (4)
E1015 (C169)




where XX = 

Rules (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0009: For non-ESC staff responsibility reporting, ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank. 
  • (1) 30090-0010: For ESC staff responsibility reporting, ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.
  • (1) 30090-0019: If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are 751, then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be 2.
  • (1) 30090-0020: If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be 751.
  • 30060-0018" If there are no staff payroll where the FUND-CODE is a Shared Services Arrangement fund in code table C145, then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be 1.
(1) (4)
E1055 (C179)

CLASS-TYPE-CODEMST.CTY, orMaster ScheduleClass Type
CRS.CTY, orCourses
STJ.IT *Staff > Job AssignmentsInstruction Type




where XX = 
  • MST.CTY if present; otherwise
  • CRS.CTY if present; otherwise 
  • STJ.IT (if no section/course association exists)
Rule (FATAL):
  • (1) 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033, 036, 047, or 087 (i.e., instructional), CLASS-TYPE-CODE must be provided.
E1673 (C088)




where 0/1 = 1 if ...; otherwise 0

Rules (FATAL):
  • 10020-0063: If ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then there must be at least one staff responsibility with ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-TEACHER-INDICATOR-CODE of 1.
  • 30090-0123: For Submission 4, ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-TEACHER-INDICATOR-CODE must be 1.

Monthly Minutes
STJ.MMNStaff > Job Assignments
CRS.SVCCourses > OtherService ID
STJ.JC, or
Staff > Job AssignmentsRole Description




Master ScheduleTeacher/Tch#2/ Tch#3, Role



Master Schedule - Section Staff MembersStaff Role




where XXX = MST.MMN (if by section) or STJ.MMN (if by role)
  • Use the Calculate Monthly Minutes function on Master Schedule to populate MST.MMN and STJ.MMN before extracting data. See Texas - Calculate Monthly Minutes.
  • The teacher's minutes for each service ID associated with their Role ID are totaled. A single Role ID may have multiple service IDs. 
  • Service IDs are connected to Role ID via Courses. If the teacher is not assigned to a course, Service ID is connected to Role ID via STJ.SVC (i.e., Service ID field on Staff > Job Assignments).
  • Role ID for non-flex schools: 
    • MST.SR1, MST.SR2, MST.SR3 for non-section staff (corresponding to MST.TN1, MST.TN2, MST.TN3)
    • STJ.JC for pull-out teachers, etc.
  • Role ID for flex schools: SSE.SR
Rules (FATAL):
  • 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is 002, 007, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 026, 032, 033, 036, 047, or 087 (i.e., instructional), MONTHLY-MINUTES must be provided.

Special Warnings:

  • 30090-0059: If MONTHLY-MINUTES is not blank, then MONTHLY-MINUTES should not be less than 60 or greater than 9600.
  • 30090-0079: For a particular TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, if any MONTHLY-MINUTES are not blank, the sum of the MONTHLY-MINUTES on all responsibilities should be at least 60.

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where X = calculated number for 1st week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must not be blank.
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0107: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0111: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0115: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is not blank, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 should be 1-5.

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where X = calculated number for 2nd week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must not be blank.
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0108: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is greater than 0, then 'NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0112: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0115: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is not blank, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 should be 1-5.
(1) E1606

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where X = calculated number for 3rd week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must not be blank. 
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0109: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0113: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0115: NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is not blank, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 should be 1-5.

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where X = calculated number for 4th week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must not be blank.
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0110: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0114: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0115: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is not blank, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 should be 1-5. 

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where XXX = calculated number for 1st week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must not be blank. 
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0107: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0111: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0116: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 is not blank, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 plus and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 should be less than or equal to 1800.

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where XXX = calculated number for 2nd week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, when CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must not be blank. 
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0108: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is greater than 0, then 'NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0112: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0116: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 is not blank, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 plus and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 should be less than or equal to 1800.

Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where XXX = calculated number for 3rd week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1 

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must not be blank. 
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0109: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0113: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 must be greater than 0.

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0116: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 is not blank, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 plus and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 should be less than or equal to 1800.
Master ScheduleCalculated
BELSchool Options
BEL, DAYCalendar
CRS.PE = 1CoursesPE




where XXX = calculated number for 4th week of the 4 weeks in October that include the last Friday in October, only if CRS.PE = 1

Rules (FATAL):

  • 30090-0105: If SERVICE-ID is a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is greater than 0, NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must not be blank. 
  • 30090-0106: If NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS is 0 or blank/not reported, or SERVICE-ID is NOT a Physical Education course (02530002, 02530003, 02530004, 02530005, 02530006, 02530007, 02530008, 02850000, 03823000, PES00052, PES00053, PES00054, PES00055, 82210XXX, 82931XXX, 83210XXX, or 84200XXX), NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must be blank/not reported.
  • 30090-0110: If NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 divided by NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 (minutes per day) must be greater than 10 minutes.
  • 30090-0114: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is greater than 0, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 must be greater than 0. 

Special Warning:

  • 30090-0116: If NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 is not blank, then NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-1 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-2 plus NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-3 plus and NUMBER-MINUTES-TAUGHT-WEEK-4 should be less than or equal to 1800.

Additional Rules:

  • (4) Only reported for ROLE-IDs 047 and 087.
  • (4) For teachers teaching in the ADSY, the Service ID, Population Served and Number of Students in Class are reported.
  • (1) GR1: The StaffResponsibilitiesExtension Complex Type is reported for the four weeks in October that include the PEIMS Fall Snapshot date.
  • (1) 30090-0053: The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit staff responsibility data.
  • (1) 30090-0013: The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be 699 (summer school).
  • (1) 30090-0017: For staff responsibilities with the same CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER, the TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID values must be different.
  • 30090-000A: For a staff responsibility, the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, SERVICE-ID, and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE.
  • (1) 10020-0013: For each campus registered with TEA as an active instructional campus, except JJAEPs, there should be data for each staff responsibility.
  • (1) 40110-0052: If there is at least one student enrollment on a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, there should be at least one staff responsibility with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of 047 or 087, unless the campus is registered with TEA as a JJAEP.
  • (4) 30040-0053: For each reported staff person, there must be at least one staff responsibility reported
  • (4) 30090-000D: The combination of the following fields must be unique for each staff responsibility: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER.


SubmissionElement ID
(Code Table)
Data ElementAeries Table.FieldAeries PageLabel










Rules (FATAL):

  • 30040-0002: For each staff person, Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30305-0002: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a TeacherSectionAssociation must match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a staff person.

CAMPUS-IDLOC.CC + LOC.DC + LOC.SCSchool OptionsCounty + District + Campus








where CCC = LOC.CC and DDD = LOC.DC and SSS = LOC.SC

Special Warning:
  • 10020-0023: For each campus registered with TEA as an active regular instructional campus, there should be at least one teacher class assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) with a matching CAMPUS-ID.

School OptionsCode
MST.SEMaster ScheduleSection









  • CCCCCCCCCC = LOC.CD (zero padded)
E1454 (CD143)

Master Schedule
Scheduling Master Schedule - Section Staff MembersPosition




where Position = 
  • Non-flex schools: MST.TP1 
  • Flex schools: SSM.TP
Full DC143 Code Translation is used rather than code. 
Special Warning:
  • (ECDS-PK) If PK-TEACHER-REQUIREMENT is not blank, this staff person should have a TeacherSectionAssociation with a CLASSROOM-POSITION of "Teacher of Record" for a Course Section where HIGH-QUALITY-PK-PROGRAM-INDICATOR is 1.
  • (ECDS-KG) 30305-0019For a given Course Section, if the Course is for a Kindergarten SERVICE-ID, there should be at least one TeacherSectionAssociation with CLASSROOM-POSITION of "Teacher of Record".





where YYYY-MM-DD = CAR.DS (the first date at least one student was enrolled in the teacher's class)
  • GR1: LEAs are required to report the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) associated with a particular class. For example, if a particular section of Kindergarten homeroom I had two different “Teachers of Record” before the class ended, then the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for each teacher’s service would be reported on their respective TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type. This scenario also applies to assistant and support teachers as well.
  • DR1: ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE (E1065) identifies the first date a teacher was assigned to the class in the current school year. If more than one teacher is assigned to a course section during the duration of a course section, then there must be a TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type for each teacher that was assigned to the course section.  If a particular teacher is assigned to a course section, leaves that course section assignment, and then at a later date is reassigned to that course section (returns to that class at a later date), then there must be a TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type for each of these teacher ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs.
Rules (FATAL):
  • 0305-0007: ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be a valid date.
  • 30305-0008: (For the 2021-2022 school year) ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2021 and August 31, 2022.
  • 30305-0011: ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be greater than ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.
  • 30305-0025: For a TeacherSectionAssociation being reported for the ECDS collection, the following must not be blank: ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.





where YYYY-MM-DD = CAR.DE (the last date at least one student was enrolled in the teacher's class) 
  • GR1: LEAs are required to report the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) associated with a particular class. For example, if a particular section of Kindergarten homeroom I had two different “Teachers of Record” before the class ended, then the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for each teacher’s service would be reported on their respective TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type. This scenario also applies to assistant and support teachers as well. 
  • DR1: ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE (E1066) identifies the last date a teacher was assigned to the class in the current school year. If after being assigned to a particular course section a teacher leaves that course section, then there must be a TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type reflecting both the ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and the Teacher Class Assignment for that particular teacher’s segment of service to that course section. If a particular teacher is assigned to a course section, leaves that course section assignment more than once, then there must be a TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type for each of these teachers ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs. The teacher(s) that are assigned to a particular course section on the last date the course section meets must be reported on their TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type with an ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE that reflects the last date the class met.
Rules (FATAL):
  • 30305-0009: ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be a valid date.
  • 30305-0010: (For the 2021-2022 school year) ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2021 and August 31, 2022.
  • 30305-0011: ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be greater than ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.
  • 30305-0025: For a TeacherSectionAssociation being reported for the ECDS collection, the following must not be blank: ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE.
E0948 (C135)





where X = CRS.CSQ
C135 code is used rather than full Code Translation.
(CR) E0721 (C021)

STJ.JC, or
Staff > Job AssignmentsRole Description
Master ScheduleTeacher/ Tch#2/ Tch#3, Role
Master Schedule - Section Staff MembersStaff Role



where XXX = 

  • Non-flex schools: 
    • MST.SR1, MST.SR2, MST.SR3 for non-section staff (corresponding to MST.TN1, MST.TN2, MST.TN3)
    • STJ.JC for pull-out teachers, etc.
  • Flex schools: SSE.SR
Rules (FATAL):
  • 30040-0002: For each staff person (role IDs 047 and 087), Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSection Association) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30305-0006: ROLE-ID must be 047 or 087.

Additional Rules:

  • 30305-000A/50300-000H: The combination of the following fields must be unique for each TeacherSectionAssociation: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, and ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.
  • 30040-0002: For each staff person, Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • 30305-0001: For each TeacherSectionAssociation, there must be a Course SectionExtension with a matching CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. 
  • 30305-0002: TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a TeacherSectionAssociation must match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for a staff person. 
  • 30305-0024: For a TeacherSectionAssociation being reported for the Class Roster collection, the following must not be blank: CLASSROOM-POSITION, ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE, and ROLE-ID.
  • 30305-0026: For each TeacherSectionAssociation, there should be at least one StudentSectionAssociation with a matching CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. See Referential Integrity for Class Roster.
  • 30305-0028: If both TeacherSchoolAssociation and TeacherSectionAssociation data are reported with matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID but different CAMPUS-ID values, then a special warning message will be displayed asking for verification of this teacher’s assignments.
  • 40110-0223: For each StudentSectionAssociation where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE on the corresponding Course SectionExtension is 00, there must be at least one TeacherSectionAssociation with a matching CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE.
  • (ECDS-KG) GR1: For ECDS-KG, teaching staff (ROLE-IDs 087, 047 and 033) who are providing instruction in course sections for grade level KG should be reported for ECDS. If more than one “Teacher of Record” is assigned to a class during the duration of the class, then all “Teachers of Record” must be reported on the TeacherSectionAssociationExtension complex type.
  • (CR) GR1: LEA-employed or contracted teaching staff (ROLE-IDs 087 Teacher 047 Long-term Substitute Teacher) should be reported for the Class Roster Fall Submission and the Class Roster Winter Submission.
    • For the Class Roster Fall Submission, report TeacherSectionAssociationExtension for all teachers of courses offered in grades 1-12 as of the last Friday in September.
    • For the Class Roster Winter Submission, report TeacherSectionAssociationExtension for all teachers of courses offered in grades EE-12 as of the last Friday in February.
  • (CR) 30040-0054: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is not reported, then Teacher Class Assignment (TeacherSectionAssociation) data must be reported with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.
  • (CR) 30040-0055: If TEACHER-INCENTIVE-ALLOTMENT-DESIGNATION-CODE is reported, then there must be a TeacherSchoolAssociation or a TeacherSectionAssociation with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.