


Portal Options 


Portal Options 

Copy/Import/Push Option 


Attendance Rulesets allow a specific set of attendance rules to be applied to only certain sections in the Master Schedule. This will allow the use of different Absence Codes, Attendance Notes, and date limitations to a specific set of sections in the Master Schedule. Teachers will have the attendance rulesets applied to each of their sections individually when taking attendance in the Teacher Portal. 


Master Schedule (MST)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records
Delete Records
Portal Options (POP)Read
View page
Add new record
Update records


First, the code table needs to be populated with the attendance rulesets being created. Navigate to the Update Code Table page and select the MST.AU field and add all code sets that will be defined in the Portal Options table. Select the SMS.AU field and add the same code sets as the ones added for the MST table. Both the MST and SMS table should have the same Attendance Rulesets defined. 

NOTE: In order for the Attendance Rulesets to display in the Portal Options and in the master schedule or scheduling master schedule Attendance Ruleset dropdowns, both MST.AU and SMS.AU code values must be populated in the Code Table.

In this example, two ruleset codes have been defined in the COD table under MST.AU and will appear on the Master Schedule page and the Scheduling Master page under Attendance Ruleset

Portal Options  

On the Portal Options page, there will be new tabs displayed under the Attendance category. The Default tab will display first with additional tabs displaying to the right for Rulesets added to the Code table under MST.AU.

The Default tab will be used for all sections where no Attendance Ruleset has been defined in the Master Schedule page. The additional tabs for Attendance Rulesets defined in the Code table will be used for sections that have been assigned a Ruleset on the Master Schedule page. Each Attendance Ruleset tab can be customized with Attendance Settings that are applicable to specific sections in will be applied to certain sections in the Master Schedule. 


Data for Attendance Rulesets is stored in the following tables:

Code Table (COD)Master Schedule - Attendance Ruleset (MST.AU)

Scheduling Master Schedule - Attendance Ruleset
Add Ruleset codes to the Master Schedule and Scheduling Master Schedule pages under the AU fields.
Portal Options (POP)Optionsname_AttendanceRuleCodeExample: AttendanceRule1_ARS1
New Rulesets will display on the Attendance Tab.
Master Schedule (MST)Attendance Ruleset (AU)Tag the field with the attendance ruleset that will be used for a specific section in MST
Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS)Attendance Ruleset (AU)

Tag the field with the attendance ruleset that will be used for a specific section in SMS

Portal Options  

Select the options that will apply for each Attendance ruleset tab. Rulesets defined in each Attendance Ruleset tab will be applied to the MST/SMS sections that have the specific Ruleset added to them. Only settings that display on this page can be customized for each ruleset. If an option is not listed on the Ruleset tab the option set on the Default tab will apply.

  • Date Ranges 
    • Adjust the # of Days Teachers can back post/forward post attendance
    • Adjust the # of Days Teachers Can Back post/forward post Attendance notes
  • Attendance Codes
    • Tag any attendance codes that will apply to this ruleset
    • Tag any Attendance Note Codes that will apply to this ruleset
  • Other Attendance Options
    • Enable or disable any options that fall under this category that will apply to the ruleset
  • Attendance Times
    • Populate any Attendance times and restrictions if necessary which will apply to this ruleset.

Copy/Import/Push Option  

There are options that include the following:

  • Copy From Another Attendance Ruleset: A ruleset can be copied to another ruleset available within the same school. Rulesets will be automatically saved when copied from another ruleset within the same school.  
  • Import this Attendance Ruleset from Another School: This option allows a ruleset to be imported from rulesets available in another school. Clicking the Save icon is required after importing a ruleset from another school. 
  • Push this Attendance Ruleset to Other Schools: Rulesets defined in one school can be pushed to other schools. Rulesets will be automatically saved in the other schools.

When pushing a ruleset to another school, if a ruleset already exists, the data will be overwritten. Select OK to continue the Push process or Cancel.

A message will indicate the process has completed.