The Teacher Files page lets office staff view files uploaded by Teachers from their "My Briefcase" and Gradebook Files areas.  The page displays the data in the TFL table for the current school.  District users see all of the files.  Files may be downloaded from this page.

Security -  Admin permissions to TFL

The Teacher Files page is located under Teacher Emulation.

Upload Date From - Upload Date To - Optional Date Range for viewing Files. Click the refresh button to apply the dates.

All of the Column Headers are Sortable/Searchable.  The table allows for multi-sorting columns.

Clicking on the Header will change the Sort Order for that column as indicated by the arrow - Ascending or Descending. No arrow means the default order.

If one Header is sorted, in this case the Staff Name, another Header can be clicked to Sort as the second sort order. In this example clicking on File Name twice sorts the file names in descending order for each Staff name in Ascending order. 

Clicking on the filter icon allows the column to be searched

Clicking on a file will download it.