The SAML Configuration for Aeries Communications powered by ParentSquare allows for Single Sign On to ParentSquare from within Aeries. This article contains requirements and configuration steps for SAML SSO functionality.

The API Certificate must be named "ParentSquare"

    -- Legacy Aeries Communications Districts may have a certificate ("Aeries Communications", "Loop", etc.) that must be renamed.

Please see the link below for our API Certificate Creation Document;

How To Generate an API Certificate

ParentSquare must be enabled

The Aeries Communications powered by ParentSquare box must be checked on the 3rd Party System Connections form;

***Ensure that you see "Found" on both the SAML and API entries seen below;

SAML Configuration

On the SAML Configuration Page;

--Check the "Enable Aeries to act as a SAML Identity Provider" checkbox

--Entity ID (Base URL) will already be configured based on the Aeries Web URL

--Metadata URL should be provided to the ParentSquare or Aeries support team (if self hosted)

***SSL Certificate must be selected from the Web Server -- "Signing Certificate Option 2: Upload PFX File" will not work for this process.

--Select "Signing Certificate Option 1: Select from Web Server"  --> click "Select Certificate from Server"

----If there are No Certificates seen in the popup (first screenshot below), you will need to grant permission to the Application Pool User on the Web Server(s).

----If you see your Certificate in the popup (screenshot above), please select the Certificate and continue to the "Add SAML Service Provider" step in this document.

Grant Web Permissions

Follow the steps below to grant permission to the Application Pool User on the Web Server(s) using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). 

1. Verify the Application Pool User in IIS-> Application Pools - take note of this Identity

----This will generally be "Network Service" or "ApplicationPoolIdentity"

2. Close IIS

3. Open the MMC - Win+R+MMC or select MMC from the menu

    3a. Click File-> Add/Remove Snap-in

    3b. In the Add or Remove Snap-ins window, select Certificates in the Available snap-ins: list, click Add> then OK.

4. Select "Computer account" on the Certificates snap-in window and press Next. 

5. Select Finish on the following screen and then OK.

6. Now that you have the Certificates snap-in in the MMC Console, navigate to Certificates under Personal

7. Right click the certificate you would like to use and select Manage Private Keys

8. Add the Application Pool Identity ("Network Service", "ApplicationPoolIdentity", etc.) that you noted earlier for your server. 

9. Remove the Full Control option and leave READ permissions. Click OK. 

Add SAML Service Provider - 

The SAML Service Provider must be named "ParentSquare"

    --The Entity ID (URI) and Assertion Consumer Service URL will be provided by either Aeries or ParentSquare support

Grant Permissions

Once the SAML Configuration has been completed, users/groups will need the "SAML Service Providers - ParentSquare" permission granted to be able to Single Sign on.

Replace SSL Certificate after a Renewal or change

On the SAML Configuration page, you will need to replace the SSL Certificate if it has been replaced/renewed. 

1. Check the "Delete saved certificate information" checkbox and "Save Settings"

2. "Select Certificate from Server" and select the updated certificate.

3. Notify ParentSquare that an SSL Certificate change has been made. They will need to update the Metadata information in their configuration.

Common Errors

If there is an error in the ParentSquare SAML Configuration, Users may see the ParentSquare login page with an error message as seen below;

Error messages seen on the ParentSquare login page will require assistance from the ParentSquare support staff. You will need to provide your Aeries login URL and the Metadata URL from your SAML Configuration form.

If there is an error in the Aeries SAML configuration or permissions, Users may receive a white screen with an Error Message as seen below;

Please read below for some common error messages and the causes behind them;

  • "An error occurred. Please try again." followed by a URL
    • This error can be caused by an invalid URL. All URLs must be https
  • "An error occurred. Please try again." No URL Info
    • SSP.NM cannot find "parentsquare"
    • SSP.URL does not contain ""
    • SSP.DS is true or SSP.II is false
    • user does not have read access to SAML
  • "Your single sign-on request could not be processed. Invalid Service Provider"
    • SSP.II is false, or there is a mismatch in the database name
  • "Your single sign-on request could not be processed. SAML is not properly configured"
    • Missing information in SAML configuration
  • "Your single sign-on request could not be processed. You do not have permission to access ParentSquare"
    • Missing SAML Permissions
  • "Your single sign-on request could not be processed. Error: An X.509 signature certificate for the local identity provider hasn't been configured."
    • SSL Certificate has changed. Please see "Replace SSL Certificate" steps above
  • "Your single sign-on request could not be processed. Error: Keyset does not exist"
    • Application Pool Identity does not have permission to the SSL Certificate. 

NOTE: SAML Configuration uses the system clock from your Web Server(s). Please ensure these servers are synced accurately with the correct time(s).