Create a Super Admin Account

Configure Project

Credentials and Service Account

Advanced Settings

The Google Staff Integration can use the same Google Service Account Settings as the Students Google Apps Integration page. Simply copy them into the appropriate fields on the Configure Google Staff page. 

However Districts may decide to have a separate Project for Staff. One advantage is the API calls for Staff will not be counted against the quota for Students.

Create a Super Admin Account

In your Google Admin Console create an account that Aeries will use to manage your Users, Organizational Units, Groups, etc. for the Google integration.  You will put this user into the “Super Admin” role.  You can name the account anything, but we recommend using "Staff" in the name of the account to easily identify it. Click on Add New User. This is the User to Impersonate on the Aeries Google Staff Configuration Page.

After the user is created, click on More Actions > Edit User.  Choose Admin roles and privileges > Assign Roles.

Assign the Super Admin role.

Configure Project

Navigate to 

Click on the Project Dropdown

Choose New Project

Name the Project and Create, wait for the process then click on View to see the Project. It will now be available in the dropdown.  Then choose APIs & Services > Dashboard.  The Project name will be the API Integration ID on the Google Staff Integration page in Aeries.

Choose Enable APIs and Services

Search for the Admin SDK.

 Click on the Admin SDK and Enable it.

Do the same for Classrooom

Credentials and Service Account

On the APIs and Services Dashboard, choose Credentials > Create Credentials > Service Account

Name the Account and Create. This is the Service Account Email on the Google Staff Integration page in Aeries.

After Account creation, make the Account Owner.

Click Done on the next Screen. This is optional information.

Click on the Pencil icon to edit the Service Account

Expand the Domain-Wide Delegation and Enable G Suite Domain-Wide Delegation

Enter a Product Name

Select Add Key > Create New Key

Choose JSON

The Key will be created and automatically downloaded. Save it in a secure place for later use. This file will go in the AppSettings folder of your web server and the AeriesReportings\Service folder of your Report Server. 

Save the changes.

Finally, copy the Unique ID from the Service Account for the next step.  This is also the Service Account Client ID on the Google Staff Integration page in Aeries.

Advanced Settings

Return to the Google Admin Console > Security > Settings

Choose App Access Control

Choose Manage Domain-Wide Delegation

In this screen, Click Add New

copy the Client ID value that you copied from the Service Account and paste it into the Client ID field.  

Then copy and paste the following comma-separated list of API scopes into the OAuth Scopes section and click Authorize.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,