The Encrypted Student Data feature allows schools the option to collect and store Social Security numbers for students. This information is stored in the Encrypted Student Data (ESD) table. 

In order to be able to use and store Encrypted Student Data, the option "Allow Collection of Social Security numbers via Encrypted Student Data (ESD)" has to be enabled. This option can be enabled on the School Settings page under School Info | Configurations on the Navigation Tree.

Access to the encrypted data held in the ESD table is controlled by two new security areas: Student SSN and Staff SSN. User accounts given security permission to the these two areas are handled as follows: 

  • User accounts with Read permission will be able to view only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number. 
  • User accounts with Update permission will be able to add or replace an existing Social Security Number, but still only view the last 4 digits.
  • User accounts with Mass Update permission will be able access the EncryptSSN.aspx page and run the Long Running Process to social security data that was uploaded to the ESD table. However, they still can only view the last 4 digit of a student's Social Security Number.
  • User accounts with Administer permission will be able to view the full Social Security number instead of just the last 4 digits, and be able to see the entire Social Security Number when editing. 

When the option to collect the encrypted data is enabled, the encrypted student Social Security Number field can be found in Student Demographics on Student Data 2. A Lock icon will display to the right of the State Stu ID field.

Clicking on the Lock icon will show the social security field hidden under the State Student ID field, consistent with the restrictions noted above. 

In unlock mode, an Edit icon will display. When clicked on, the social security number field will display in edit mode and information can be added or modified. 

After information is entered and the Lock icon is clicked on again, the Social Security field will again be hidden and the State Student ID field will display in its place.