The Portal Options page has the ability to translate custom text areas. A language selector has been added to the top of the Portal options page.

Once custom text translations are entered they will display to the portal when a parent logs in with one of the corresponding languages. The default language is English. If no translations have been set up for other languages, the English text that has been entered will display to the portal as the default text.

Custom Text

The current custom text areas that translations can be added for the portal include the following tabs and fields:

Miscellaneous Tab

  • Graduation Status Form Disclaimer

Parent Data Changing Tab

For full documentation on how to set up Parent Data Confirmation and translations see this link:  

Parent Data Confirmation Setup 

To set up a translation, select a school from the list on the left side of the Portal Options page. Select a tab to translate text on. Next use the language selector at the top of the Portal Options page to select a language to translate for.

Note: Numeric field information will apply to all languages and cannot be translated. 

Enter the translated text into the text box. After the text has been entered click the mouse on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

If the translated corresponding language is selected by the parent when logging into the portal, the translated text will display in the data confirmation page or Graduation Status page.