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To assign different report cards for certain students, the students need to be tagged with the corresponding Report Card Type before the Standards Based Grade Reporting table is initialized. On the Standards Based Grade Input page under Standards Based Grades in the navigation, click on the Report Card Type dropdown. Select the appropriate code. Queries can also be run to populate the STU.RC field before the Standards Based Grade Reporting table is created.
NOTE: Progress Reports are automatically applied to every grade level that has a progress report card in the Standards Based Setup (SBE). Do not assign progress report card types to students.
Progress Report Cards ↑
Standards Based Progress Reports can be created for each grade level. At this time Aeries supports one Standards Based Progress Report Card per grade level. Multiple progress reports should not be pushed to Standards Based Setup (SBE) for a single grade level. The Report Card Type field in Standards Based Setup (SBE.RC) is used to identify which report card layouts are progress reports, which are grade level report card layouts, and which report card layouts are specialized report cards. If Standards Based Progress reports are available in the Standards Based Setup (SBE), every student will receive their grade level Progress Report when Progress grades are initialized, and they will receive either the default grade level report card or their specific Report Card Type report card when Standards Based grades are initialized. On the Standards Based Input page do not assign Progress Report Card Types to students. Progress Reports are automatically applied to students in every grade level that has a progress report card in the Standards Based Setup (SBE).
To designate a Report Card Type as a Progress report card, the Code (COD) table Amount value for the STU.RC code record needs to be set to 3. Only one code value should be designated as a Progress report card type.
Add-On Report Cards ↑
Schools can assign certain students an extra Add-On report card in addition to their regular report card. These students will receive two report cards each grading period. This feature is useful in situations where schools wish to provide additional grades for certain students; such as students participating in a language immersion program, GATE, or EL students.
To designate a Report Card Type as an Add-On report card, the Code (COD) table Amount value for the STU.RC code record needs to be set to either a 1 or a 2. Report Card Types that have a 1 in the COD.N1 field are Add-On report cards that will re-print the teacher comments from the default report card onto the Add-On report card. Report Card Types that have a 2 in the COD.N1 field are Add-On report cards that hide the teacher comments on the Add-On report card. Additionally, if the only information on the back of the Add-On report card is the teacher comments and the COD.N1 = 2, then the entire back page will be blank.
When the Standards Based Grades are initialized for a new mark period, students that are tagged to receive an Add-On report card in the Student Data Report Card Type (STU.RC) field will receive both the default report card standards and the Add-On report card standards. Teachers will see the Add-On report card standards below the student's default report card standards. In the below example the ELD Add-On report card standards are listed at the bottom of the teacher's Standards Based Grades page for the student.
School staff will also view/update the Add-On report card standard on the Standards Based Input page.
Students tagged to receive the Add-On report cards will receive two report cards each grading period. The first report card will be the default report card and the second report card will be the Add-On report card and will include the Report Card Type description from the Code (COD) table in the title.