Adding Standards to the Template
After the template is created by either the using the Create New Template button or the Import from SBE, many options and functions are available to build the report card.
NOTE: Aeries support one Progress Report Card per grade level. Do not create multiple progress reports for a single grade level.
Standard List ↑
The Standard List will display the standards for the selected grade level from the Standards (STN) table.
Common Core standards can be imported into the Standards table. Please refer to the Standards - Load State Learning Standards article for more details.
The Standard List page has drill down capability to locate standards. Click on the arrows at the far right to display related sub-standards.
The Search box can also be used to find standards. Enter the standard name and click on the Search icon. The list will be filtered for standards with the word entered in the search box.
Add a Standard ↑
If the user has either Insert or Update permissions to Standards (STN), an Add Standard button will display next to the standard Search box.
A popup page will display to enter the standard information. This will allow users to enter Local standards. Enter the Standard ID, Title, and Type of Standard. If the standard is a sub-standard, enter the Category standard ID to link to the top level standard.
See Standards - Applying Different Mark Types to Terms for more information when selecting the Use Term-Based Mark Types option.
The Mark Type 1 and 2 can be populated if appropriate.
The Include in Transcript option will save the standard, mark type and marks for a student in the Standards Based History (SBH) table when the Copy SBG to Standards Based History function is run. This is usually selected for top level standards.
The Applies to Terms check boxes are used to designate which terms a standard will receive a mark. By default all terms are selected. Deselecting a term check box will disallow data entry for that term and the box on the report card will be greyed out.
The Applies to Grades check boxes are used to designate which grade levels use the new standard.
Please refer to the Standards article for details on adding and modifying standards.
NOTE: Editing an existing standard will impact standards already in use. Permissions to the Standards (STN) table should be limited to admin type users and be granted with caution.
Adding Standards to the Template ↑
After creating a new template, the first column on page 1 will be highlighted with a dark blue border to indicate that it is the selected column.
Standards can be added to the template by dragging the standard to the selected column or by clicking on the arrow to the left of the standard.
To drag and drop a standard, click on the standard from the Standard List and drag it to the appropriate column on the template. Standards can also be added to the Top Left and Top Right sections of the template by dragging and dropping.
A Drop Here message will display at the top of the column. Drop the standard onto the template. Filler/Header lines can be added later to add space between standards to balance out the columns.
If the standard is a top level standard with related sub-standards linked to it, the following message will display when adding the standard to the template:
Select the Remember Me option to always use the same Yes or No setting for the related sub-standards when adding additional standards to the template. The Remember Me option can be turned off by clicking on the Undo Remember Me icon in the tool bar on the left.
Adding standards with many related sub-standards may push them to the next column. If the first 2 columns on Page 1 are full, the related sub-standards will be pushed to Page 2. If the report is full the following message will display.
Standards can also be added to the template by clicking on the arrow to the left of the standard.
Right Click Options ↑
Once standards are added to the template, various options are available by right clicking on the standard.
- Center Justify – will center the Standard description or Filler text in the center of the line.
- Shading - the standard in the report card will be shaded or unshaded
- Bold Text – will allow either a standard or filler to be bolded or unbolded.
- Filler/Header– will add blank lines or free text in the body of the report card
- Add Above/Add Below – will add the blank line above or below the selected standard
- Remove Fillers – will remove a group of fillers from the template
- Edit – will allow adding text to a filler line or editing existing filler text. This includes adding translations for Correspondence languages
- Line Number – will increase the lines of a standard from 1 to 10. This option is used for standard descriptions that do not fit on one line. Increase the line number to fit the standard description.
- Remove – will remove the standard from the template. This option does not delete the standard from the Standards table, just removes it from the template. The standard will display in the Standard List once it is no longer used in the template.
- Edit – If the user has permissions to update Standards, the Edit option will display. When the Edit option is selected the following warning message will display.