Create a New Blank Template

Import a Template from SBE

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standard Based Report Card Templates

Users with permission to the Standard Based Report Card Templates – SBS security area will see the Standard Based Report Card Templates node in the navigation. Please see the Standards Based Grades Tables and Security article for information on the security settings.

Standards Based Report Card Template

Clicking on Standard Based Report Card Templates will display the following page.

Standard Based Report Card Templates page

Below are the descriptions for the function icons on the left side of the page:

Standard Based Report Card Templates Home iconExit the Standard Based Report Card Templates form and return to the Aeries Home page.
Standard Based Report Card Templates Hide and Show Menu icons Hide Menu and Show Menu closes and opens the menu to provide more screen space to work on.
Standard Based Report Card Templates Grade iconGrade dropdown displays the school's grade levels as defined in School Info | School Options Low Grd and High Grd fields (LOC.LO and LOC.HI)

Standard Based Report Card Templates Create New Template iconCreate New Template allows users to create a new blank template

Standard Based Report Card Templates Open File iconOpen File allows users to open, copy or delete existing saved templates

Standard Based Report Card Templates Save Template iconSave Template allows users to save and name a template.  The Save should be used periodically when working on a template.

Standard Based Report Card Templates Print Preview iconPrint Preview allows users to see a preview of the current template. The Print Preview should be used often during the report card design.
Standard Based Report Card Templates Import from SBE iconImport from SBE allows users with permissions to import an existing setup (SBE) table into the template

Standard Based Report Card Templates Push to SBE iconPush to SBE allows users with permissions to push the current template to the current setup (SBE) table

Standard Based Report Card Templates Remember Me / Undo Remember Me iconsRemember Me/Undo Remember Me is available to always add or never add related sub-standards to the template when selecting the top standard. When the icon is red the system is using a "Remember Me" setting.

There are 2 ways to create templates:

  • Create a New Blank Template – a blank template can be created and standards from the Standard List can be added.  
  • Import from SBE – an existing Standards Based Setup (SBE) can be imported into the template. Once imported the template can be edited.

Create a New Blank Template  

To create a new blank template, select the grade level from the Grade dropdown. Then click on the Create New Template icon.

Standard Based Report Card Templates Create New Template example

A blank template will display.  If the Language Options are selected from the Standards Based Grade Options, they will display in the top left or top right sections of the template.

The Portrait template has 2 pages. Page 1 will display when creating a new blank template. Page 2 can be displayed by clicking on P2 in the upper right corner of the page.

Standard Based Report Card Templates navigate to Page 2

Import a Template from SBE  

The Import from SBE option will import an existing Standards Based Setup (SBE) into the template. Once imported the template can be edited.

To import a template, select the grade level from the Grade dropdown. Then click on the Import from SBE icon. The current setups will display.

In the below example, grade 5 is selected. A popup window displays with the current Standards Based Setups available for the selected grade. In the below example there is a 5th grade default report card and a 5th grade Gate report card to choose from. Click on the download icon for the report card you wish to import.

Standard Based Report Card Templates Import from SBE example