Data submitted by parents through the Aeries Online Enrollment system is stored in a separate AeriesRegistration database on the SQL server. This database does not require an annual rollover process and the database name does not change from year to year. Although data is stored in a separate database, Aeries Online Enrollment is required to have SQL access to some specific tables and functions within the regular Aeries databases.

The AeriesRegistration database consists of various tables. Tables with a 3 character all uppercase name (Ex: STU) mostly contain data that Aeries will download via the AeriesSync web service. The remaining tables are specific to the Aeries Enrollment web system. Listed below are the table names and functions.

  • AdminUser - Contains Admin user login information including user id, username, and password.
  • AUT - Contains the Authorization data collected by an enrollment.
  • CON- Contains the Contact data collected by an enrollment.
    • CON.TY stores contact type: 1 = Parent/Guardian, 2 = Out of State Contact, 3 = Restrained Contact , 4 = Physician, 5 = Emergency Contact. These are mapped to actual CON.CD values in the admin setup.
  • ContactType - Contains foreign key data for the CON table.
  • DCL - Contains information on documents viewed and confirmed during the enrollment process.
  • District - Used to define multiple districts in the Aeries Hosting environment.
  • DOC - Holds the Documents uploaded by Parents.
  • DocumentUploadOption - Holds the Document Requests Titles, Description and Categories.
  • DocumentUploadOptionText - Holds the translations for the Document Requests.
  • IMM - Contains Immunization data collected by an enrollment.
  • ImmunizationType - Contains foreign key data for the IMM table.
  • LAC - Contains Language data collected by an enrollment.
  • MHS - Contains Medical data collected by an enrollment.
  • NewRegistrationUserSession - Contains data about new users and their first enrollment before they verify their email address.
  • ODE - Contains Other District Enrollment data collected by an enrollment.
  • PRS - Holds the results of the Foster, Military, and Residence Survey.
  • PRD - Holds the results of the Children names section of the Residence Survey. (California only)
  • RegistrationCode - Contains code values for Aeries Enrollment.
  • RegistrationCodeText - Contains translations for code values.
  • RegistrationOption - Contains various options configured through the system settings menu.
  • RegistrationSchool - Contains the enabled schools and programs in Aeries Online Enrollment.
  • RegistrationTextOption - Contains custom text options configured through the systems settings menu.
  • RegistrationUser- Contains verified User account data.
    • RegistrationUser.PCC contains the verification code needed to active an account. This is set to blank once the Parent clicks on the email to activate.
    • RegistrationUser.AST is the account status, either "A" for Active, or "P" for Pending.
    • Parents should be encouraged to use the forgot password functionality if they never get a confirmation email, but the following query could be used to change an account from pending to active, bypassing the need for the parent to receive the confirmation email: 
      update RegistrationUser set pcc = '', ast = 'A' where em = ''

  • STU- Contains student data collected by an enrollment.
    • STU.RES field stores the current status of the enrollment. Valid values are as follows: C = Complete ready to import, D = Deleted, N = Not Completed, T = Imported.
    • STU.RED field stores the date and time the enrollment was completed by the parent as seen on the final confirmation page.
    • STU.EM field stores the email of the account that completed the enrollment as seen on the final confirmation page.
  • SUP - Contains end user answers to Supplemental Questions.
  • SupplementalQuestion - Contains questions added to Aeries Enrollment by the system administrator.
  • SupplementalQuestionChoice - Contains available choices to supplemental questions.
  • SupplementalQuestionChoiceText - Contains translations for supplemental choice questions.
  • SupplementalQuestionText - Contains translations for supplemental questions.