This article details all available settings that can be set in the AppSettings.config file for Aeries. This file is located in a Virtual Directory (AppSettings) located within the website or application (if running Aeries as an application) in IIS. The physical directory should be located in some other location on the file system and NOT within the inetpub or website folders. Typically this is located at C:\AppSettings\.

You can manually create the AppSettings.config file by creating a New Text File and renaming it to AppSettings.config. The file can be created or edited using a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.

Note: certain elements in the config file are case sensitive. Entering values in the case illustrated below is a good practice. For example, "True" may not behave the same way as "true".

Here is a sample of a valid AppSettings.config file. Details of each setting are explained below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  • SystemType  
    • Valid Values:  
      • Admin
      • Parent
      • Teacher
    • This establishes when Aeries is supposed to focus its feature set to a certain type of user. Using Admin will allow Users and Admins to access Aeries normally. Using Parent will redirect login page requests to LoginParent.aspx. Using Teacher will do nothing except when combined with the LimitToCurrentPortalType setting (see below).
  • LimitToCurrentPortalType  
    • Valid Values:  
      • True
      • False
    • When combined with SystemType values of Admin, Parent, or Teacher, a setting of True will restrict the current instance of Aeries to only allow logins from the specified type. For Parent, attempts to hit Login.aspx will redirect to LoginParent.aspx. For Teacher, login attempts by non-teachers will be rejected. For Admin, login attempts by teachers will be rejected.
  • DistrictName  
    • This setting is used in conjunction with the ProductKey setting to enable access to Aeries Analytics features of Aeries. The value entered into this setting should be given to you by Aeries Software personnel.
  • ProductKey  
    • This setting is used in conjunction with the DistrictName setting to enable access to Aeries Analytics features of Aeries. The value entered into this setting should be given to you by Aeries Software personnel.
  • External  
    • Valid Values:  
      • True
      • False
    • This setting is used to specify that the current website is externally-facing. It is used in conjunction with the Portal Option Disable Attendance if Site is External to disable the taking of attendance for this instance of Aeries when the value is set to True. This setting is also used with Duo 2-factor authentication.
  • Beta  
    • Valid Values:  
      • True
      • False
    • This setting, sometimes referred to as the "beta flag", when set to True will enable pre-release features of the system. Do not use this setting unless you are working with Aeries Software development staff on beta, custom, or personalized development. Some features enabled by this setting are dependent on back-end database changes that must be made with very specialized SQL scripts.
  • VerboseLogging 
    • Valid Values:
      • True
      • False
    • This setting will add information to the LOG table that is not normally logged. This includes logging every time a user "Gets" (views) a student, whether by the navigation buttons, profile icons or attendance details icon. Turning on this option may greatly increase the number of LOG records created.
  • LogSessionID
    • Valid Values:
      • True
      • False
    • If this setting is set to True, then all logins to Aeries will log the ASP.NET Session ID in the Aeries LOG table. Also, for installations using Proxy servers, if the Proxy Server creates a request header for "HTTP_X_REAL_IP", it will be used to log transactions instead of "REMOTE_ADDR". Turning on this option will increase the amount of data in the LOG table.
  • DistrictID
    • This setting is used with Aeries Online Enrollment in environments where more than one district shares a single Aeries Online Enrollment database