NOTE:  When program or eligibility end dates are populated and the year is coming to a close, it is recommended to turn off the Analytics nightly process on the last day of school to preserve the calculated data in the prior year (the closing year).

Dashboard NameConditionAdditional Information
504 StudentsA record in the FOF (504 Plans) table with (Start Date <= current date and (End Date = NULL or End Date >= current date)). After FOF is analyzed the system will check for a PGM.CD = 101, with (Eligibility Start Date <= current date and (Eligibility End Date = Null or Eligibility End Date >= current date)) or (Program Start Date <= current date  and (Program End Date = NULL  or Program End Date >= current date). If all dates are NULL the record is not counted.Either a FOF record or a PGM Program Code = 101. The current date needs to fall within the start and end date of the record. The FOF records will be analyzed first.
A/G Readiness 12th GradersSTU.GR = 12 and
(STU.CUC = Y or STU.CCS = Y or STU.CCO = Y )
Only includes 12th grade students where UC Course Complete = Y or CSU Course Complete = Y or Course Complete Override  Y
ACT CompositeThe Composite score of the most recent ACT test (CTS.SC5) is evaluated.

The level and score ranges are:
Level 1: 1 - 21
Level 2: 22 - 24
Level 3: 25 - 28
Level 4: 29 - 32
Level 5: 33 - 26
The Composite score of the most recent ACT test is evaluated.
Advanced Placement ResultThe score of the most recent AP test (CTS.SC1) is evaluated.
STU.GR = 9, 10, 11, or 12
NR: 1 - 1 (CTS.SC1 = 1) No Recommendation
PQ: 2 - 2 (CTS.SC1 = 2) Possibly Qualified
Q: 3 - 3 (CTS.SC1 = 3) Qualified
WQ: 4 - 4 (CTS.SC1 = 4) Well Qualified
EWQ: 5 - 5 (CTS.SC1 = 5) Extremely Well
The score of the most recent AP test is evaluated for students in grades 9 – 12.
All Day Unexcused Absence Count >= 3Absent Code that are ABS.TY = 3 (unexcused absences) and ABS.SU = 0  (not a suspension) will be used to count the number of unexcused absences the student has in the ATT.AL (All Day) field. Students with 3 or more Unexcused All Day absences are countedStudent counted if they have 3 or more All Day Unexcused absences from the beginning of the year to the current date. The unexcused absences are determined by the Absent Code Table.
AP/IB Participation RateThe student is counted if he has at least one AP or IB test result.
STU.GR = 9, 10, 11 or 12
One or more AP or IB tests for students in grades 9 – 12.
Attendance % (Chronic (>10%) vs Non Chronic)If the Calculate Attendance History Through Current Day option is ON in the Attendance History Configuration, then AHS is used:
( Days Enrolled (AHS.EN) - Days Absent (AHS.AB) ) / Days Enrolled (AHS.EN)

If the Calculate Attendance History Through Current Day option is OFF in the Attendance History Configuration, then ATT is used:
(Days Present - 1 ) / Days Enrolled
The number of days enrolled not including today - the number of days absent / the number of days enrolled counting today. Only students enrolled 10 or more days are processed.
TST.PT = 0

Level 1: 1 - 1 (TST.OT = 1)
Level 2: 2 - 2 (TST.OT = 2)
Level 3: 3 - 3 (TST.OT = 3)
Level 4: 4 - 4 (TST.OT = 4)
Level 5: 5 - 5 (TST.OT = 5)
Count the most recent Performance Level for CELDT Overall Score. The CELDT test needs to be within the current school year. The performance level is stored in the TST.OT field for the CELDT test.
CST (Science)TST.ID = CST
TST.PT = 3,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54 or 55
TST.TD from most recent test

Level 1: 1 - 1 (TST.PL = 1)
Level 2: 2 - 2 (TST.PL = 2)
Level 3: 3 - 3 (TST.PL = 3)
Level 4: 4 - 4 (TST.PL = 4)
Level 5: 5 - 5 (TST.PL = 5)
Count the most recent Performance Level for CST Science tests taken
Early Assessment ProgramSTU.GR = 12
TST.PT = 1 for ELA
TST.PT = 2 for Math
TST.GR = 110 (only the 11th grade SBAC results are evaluated)

NRd: 1 - 1 (TST.PL = 1) Not Ready
NYR: 2 - 2 (TST.PL = 2) Not Yet Ready
CRd: 3 - 3 (TST.PL = 3) Conditionally Ready
Rdy: 4 - 4 (TST.PL = 4) Ready
For the 12th grade students, the EAP Readiness status is determined by analyzing their 11th grade SBAC performance levels in ELA and Math.
TST.PT = 0

Level 1: 1 - 1 (TST.PL = 1)
Level 2: 2 - 2 (TST.PL = 2)
Level 3: 3 - 3 (TST.PL = 3)
Level 4: 4 - 4 (TST.PL = 4)

Count the most recent Performance Level for ELPAC Overall Score. The ELPAC test needs to be within the current school year. The performance level is stored in the TST.PL field for the ELPAC test.
Foster StudentsPGM.CD = 190, with (Eligibility Start Date <= current date and (Eligibility End Date = NULL or Eligibility End Date >= current date)) or (Program Start Date <= current date  and (Program End Date = NULL  or Program End Date >= current date)). If all dates are NULL the record is not counted.Program Code = 190 and the current date needs to fall within the start and end date of the record
GenderSTU.GN = M or B for Male count or STU.GN = F or G for Female count
Grades (HIS)Departments are determined by COD table. COD.TC = CRS and COD.FC = DC. The most recent transcript grade achieved for courses in each department is counted.Most recent transcript grade in each Department is counted.
Homeless StudentsPGM.CD = 191, with (Eligibility Start Date <= current date and (Eligibility End Date = Null or Eligibility End Date >= current date)) or (Program Start Date <= current date  and (Program End Date = NULL  or Program End Date >= current date). If all dates are NULL the record is not counted.Program Code = 191 and the current date needs to fall within the start and end date of the record
Language FluencyUses the CALPADS translations (XRF) to determine the codes being used for EO, EL, IFEP, RFEP
Long Term English Learner (LTEL)LAC Years in Program (LAC.YP) >=6 and STU.LF is "EL" as determined by CALPADS translations (XRF)The LAC.YP is recalculated by the system every time Aeries Analytics processes. EL students that have been in the program 6 or more years will be counted as LTELS.
Parental InvolvementUses the PHL table to count how many times the parent login page has been accessed by a parent account for each student.
PSAT Participation RateThe student is counted if he has at least one PSAT test.One or more
PSAT PerformanceThe most recent PSAT scores are evaluated
CTS.DT on or after October 2015
English uses CTS.SC5
Math uses CTS.SC6
Total uses CTS.TTL

Level 1: 160 – 379 320 – 759 for Total
Level 2: 380 – 474 760 – 949 for Total
Level 3: 475 – 569 950 – 1139 for Total
Level 4: 570 – 664 1140 – 1329 for Total
Level 5: 665 – 760 1330 – 1520 for Total
Most Recent PSAT scores dated on or after October 2015 are evaluated.
PSAT Performance (Pre-2015)The most recent PSAT scores are evaluated
CTS.DT before October 2015
Math uses CTS.SC2
Writing uses CTS.SC3
Reading uses CTS.SC4
Total uses CTS.TTL

Level 1: 20 – 39 60 – 199 for Total
Level 2: 40 – 49 120 – 149 for Total
Level 3: 50 – 59 150 – 179 for Total
Level 4: 60 – 69 180 – 209 for Total
Level 5: 70 – 80 210 – 240 for Total
Most Recent PSAT scores dated before October 2015 are evaluated.
Race EthnicityHIS: Hispanic - STU.ETH = Y

AMI: American Indian (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 = 100, STU.RC2 = ""

ASN: Asian (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 between 200 and 299, STU.RC2 = ""

PAC: Pacific Islander (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 between 300 and 399, STU.RC2 = ""

FIL: Filipino (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 = 400, STU.RC2 = ""

BLK: Black (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 = 600, STU.RC2 = ""

WHT: White (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 = 700, STU.RC2 = ""

UNK: Unknown (not Hispanic) – STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 = 999, STU.RC2 = ""
MLT: Multi-race (not Hispanic) - STU.ETH = N, STU.RC1 <> "", STU.RC2 <> ""
UNK: Unknown – none of the above conditions are met

RFEPThe percentage of RFEP students out of the EL population. The calculation is the # of RFEP students /   ( # of RFEP students + # of EL students ).
Uses the CALPADS translations (XRF) to determine if the STU.LF code is RFEP or EL.
Level 1: RFEP students
Level 3: EL students
Percentage of RFEP students.
SAT IThe most recent SAT I scores are evaluated.  
CTS.DT on or after March 2016
English uses CTS.SC5
Math uses CTS.SC6
Total uses CTS.TTL

Level 1: 200 - 479 400 – 959 for Total
Level 2: 480 - 559 960 – 1119 for Total
Level 3: 560 - 639 1120 – 1279 for Total
Level 4: 640 - 719 1280 – 1439 for Total
Level 5: 720 - 800 1440 – 1600 for Total
Most Recent SAT I scores dated on or after March 2016 are evaluated.
SAT I (Pre-Mar-2016)The most recent SAT I scores are evaluated.
CTS.DT is before March 2016
Verbal uses CTS.SC1
Math uses CTS.SC2
Writing uses CTS.SC3
Reading uses CTS.SC4
Total uses CTS.TTL

Level 1: 200 - 479 600 – 1439 for Total
Level 2: 480 - 559 1140 – 1679 for Total
Level 3: 560 - 639 1680 – 1919 for Total
Level 4: 640 - 719 1920 – 2159 for Total
Level 5: 720 - 800 2160 – 2400 for Total
Most Recent SAT I scores dated before March 2016 are evaluated.
TST.PT = 1 for ELA
TST.PT = 2 for Math
TST.TD from most recent test

Not Met: 1 - 1 (TST.PL = 1) Standard Not Met
Nearly Met: 2 - 2 (TST.PL = 2) Standard Nearly
Met: 3 - 3 (TST.PL = 3) Standard Met
Exceeded: 4 - 4 (TST.PL = 4) Standard

Most recent Performance Level for SBAC ELA and Math test results
Socio-Economically Disadvantaged StudentsCON.ELV= 14-Not a High School Graduate
  • Parent/Guardian's must be set up based on District Settings.
  • If 2 parent/guardians are reported to CALPADS, Ed Levels for both must be "Not a High School Graduate"
FRE.CD = F or R with (Eligibility Start Date <= current date and (Eligibility End Date = Null or Eligibility End Date >= current date)) or (Program Start Date <= current date and (Program End Date = NULL or Program End Date >= current date). If all dates are NULL the record is also counted.
FRE.CD and CON.ELV are determined by CALPADS translations (XRF) or hard-coded values FRE.CD = F or R or CON.ELV = 14.

In addition:
  • Migrant Ed (any PGM code mapped to "135" in CALPADS Code Translations)
  • Homeless (any PGM code mapped to "191" in CALPADS Code Translations)
  • Foster Youth (any PGM code mapped to "190" in CALPADS Code Translations)
  • Tribal Foster (any PGM code mapped to "193" in CALPADS Code Translations)
Any school identified as a "Juvenile Court School" will count all students enrolled as "Socio-Economically Disadvantaged".  School Type is determined based on the CA School Directory.

Students counted based on conditions listed. 
Special Ed StudentsCSE.DI <>  " ", with (Enter Date <= current date and (Exit Date = NULL or Exit Date >= current date)). If the Enter Date is NULL then the record is not counted.Disability code is not blank and student needs to be a current special ed student.