Navigate to Standards Based Grades>Standards Based Grades Process Dashboards

The Standards Based Grade Reporting is a self-customizing module that allows a school site to create a free form report card. A report card is created from setting up Standards Based Grade Reporting Options, Categories and Standards, creating the Standards Based Report Card Templates, and pushing them out to the Report Card Setup. Report cards can be created for each grade level including the Preschool (PS) and Transitional Kindergarten (TK) grades. Report Card Types can be used to create alternate report card layouts. These alternate layouts can be grade level Progress reports, specialized report cards such as Limited English or GATE, or separate report cards for a shared grade level (such as PreK 3 year old students and PreK 4 year old students). The Standards Based Grades feature set MUST be set up first in order for the grade process to work properly.

Since this report card is a free form customizing report, the Print Standards Based Report Cards Preview should be generated from the Report Card Template page throughout each step. This will help visualize what the report card will look like prior to using it in the grading period. Once the Standards Based Grade Report table has been created and marks have been submitted, changes should not be made to the Standards or Report Card Set Up. The Standards Based Report Card Template page was developed to allow districts to design or update report cards in a “sandbox” area that will not affect the current production report cards. However, once the Standards Based Grade Report Table has been created the templates should not be copied to the Report Card Setup until the following school year.

Translations can be entered for the Standards, Mark Types, Valid Marks and Filler/Headers with text for up to 6 Correspondence Languages. The headings and labels are translated to the students’ Correspondence Language. The translations for the headings and labels are hard coded and only include Spanish at this time. Therefore, a report card can be printed entirely in Spanish.

After the Grade Setup and Grade Reporting Terms are complete, student grades can be entered manually. The Teacher Portal can also be used to enter grades. A Load From Gradebook process is available to teachers. Report cards can then be generated for the selected term and grade.

The Standards Based Grades Dashboard will help guide users through the standards based grading process for elementary schools. All of the Standards Based Grades forms and reports are organized by category in order of when the process is usually run. Clicking on the category buttons will open up the list of forms or reports that can be accessed from that category. Alternatively, clicking on the + sign next to the heading will open up all of the categories at once. Clicking on a form or report will jump to that page.

Standards Based Grades Process Dashboard

Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Configurations 

The Configuration node under Standards Based Grades is another way to access all of the pages and functions to set up report cards, maintain elementary grades during the school year, and print out report cards without using the dashboard.

Standards Based Grades - Standards Based Options page

For information on how to configure a school to do both Elementary Standards Based Grading and Secondary Grade Reporting please see the Using Both Standards Based Grades and Grade Reporting in a School article.