See also Discipline & Assertive Discipline.

Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Victims or Witnesses.

The Victims and Witnesses pages provide fields to store and track information for a student who was a victim or witness of an incident. The information added to this form can be used by the Civil Rights Data Collection. Users must have Read access to the Victims or Witnesses screens to view these records. 

Below is an example of the Victims form.

The Victims and Witnesses screens also contains an Incident ID field. The Incident ID field on either screen can be linked to Assertive Discipline records by populating the field with the same Incident ID number.  This will enable schools to track multiple students involved in one discipline incident. 

The Lookup buttonnext to the Incident ID field will display the Incidents popup, which can be used to list discipline, victim and witness records that occurred on a day, during a range of days, or for a specified Incident ID. This Incident ID can then be entered as the Incident ID for the victim or witness record. 

Green highlighting will be displayed as the mouse hovers over an incident. Click on the Incident ID to select it and it will be copied to the student's Victims or Witnesses record.

For more information on the Incidents popup, see the Copying Incident IDs documentation.