
When using Alt Ed Scheduling, students can be issued grades individually by the teacher as they complete their coursework. First, the School Options setting for "Allow Issue Credit on Classes/Course Attendance pages" must be enabled. When using this method, if the school is setup as a full Alt Ed Scheduling school with the school setting option set to Alternative Education Scheduling for Entire School, it is not necessary to create a grading cycle. However, Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions must be defined and the portal grading window must be open.

School Options - enable option.

Navigate to Grade Reporting > Configurations > Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions

At least 1 mark field must be defined.

It is also necessary to set up the Grading Window for teachers in the portal options.

For more information on the process for issuing credits using the Issue Credit button, see Copying Grades to Transcripts for Individual Students.

Grade Initialization  

Creating a grading cycle is optional for schools who are using full-time Alt Ed Scheduling. However, if the school is a regular school where the option for using Allow Individual Sections to be Flagged for Alt Ed Scheduling is enabled, then creating a Grade Reporting Cycle is necessary. When the Grade Reporting Cycle is created, the student's Actual Course will be copied into the Grade Reporting (GRD) table. 

If the school settings option is set for Alternative Education Scheduling for Entire School, the Grade Reporting Cycle will display with an option to "Use Course Attendance instead of current sections". This will pull all sections from CAR for the selected Reporting Period instead of just the current Actual Course.

If the school setting option is set for Allow Individual Sections to be Flagged for Alt Ed Scheduling, the Grade Reporting Cycle will extract the student's Actual Course based on the reporting period during this initialization process. Currently, there is no option to pull from the Course Attendance table (CAR) for regular schools.

The Grades table will display with the Actual Courses the student is currently enrolled in.

Loading Grades  

When a grading table has been initialized, teachers can load grades by using the Load Grades From Gradebook button on the Grades page. With the proper permissions, teachers can also copy grade to Transcripts.

Using the Grade Reporting function of Copy Grades to Transcripts will copy the appropriate information to the Transcript (HIS) table.

NOTE:  Any existing Transcript records for the course/term will be overwritten.