Once the Physical Fitness Setup and Portal Options have been configured teachers will be able to enter Physical Fitness test results through their Teacher Portal interface. The Teacher Portal will display the Physical Fitness node in the navigation menu.

The Physical Fitness test scores can be hand entered on this form. If a teacher would prefer to enter data onto a paper form, the Print Roster button will display a printable Physical Fitness Test Results report which duplicates the data entered on the Physical Fitness form. A blank report can be printed before data is entered.

Teacher Portal Update Physical Fitness

 On the Physical Fitness screen, teachers can click on the Class drop down and select the period.  All students in the period selected will display. 



The Testing Administration dropdown allows teachers to view fitness data from Testing Administrations that are closed, or to enter/update fitness data for the currently open Testing Administration. The dropdown defaults to the current Testing Administration.

The Grade and Gender dropdowns will allow the teacher to filter out specific students to display.

The Physical Fitness test records need to have a valid test date. By default the current day will be populated in the 1st Test Dt field. Click on the Date Chooser icon.  Select the date that the student took the test and it will update in the Test Date field. The test date is also limited to valid dates within the Testing Administration. If a date is selected outside of the Testing Administration window a message will appear indicating that the date must be within the Testing Administration and the original date will be restored in the field.


Press Tab to the move to the next field.  Enter all test scores into these fields.  If all of the fields do not display on the screen at once, use the scroll bar to display the remaining test fields.  Teacher Portal saves the changes immediately as they are entered.

A box that turns red after a score is entered indicates that the score is not within the range accepted by the testing vendor. Some districts would like to keep these values rather than the maximum values since they are a record of how the student performed on the test. For this reason the score is highlighted in red to indicate that it should be reviewed for accuracy. This score will also display on the error report with a message that in the extract it will be replaced with the maximum allowable value.

Note:  The Height ft and in boxes will adjust the values entered to convert them to feet and inches. If students are measured in inches, and the total inches are input into the in field, the form will convert the number of inches to feet and inches. For example, a value of 68 typed into the in field will be converted to 5 ft and 08 in after the information is entered. 

Some of the physical fitness records may be highlighted in a different color. Typically this occurs for students that have prior year physical fitness records since these records include the Pass/Not Pass statuses.  The Legend at the top of the screen can be used to determine why these records are highlighted. In the below example, Tony Rafael has a blue highlight around the Upper Body, Flexibility, Curl-ups and Trunk Lifts tests. The blue indicates that during a prior testing administration Tony passed these tests, so to complete his Physical Fitness High School requirements he only needs to pass the Aerobic Capacity section of the test in the current testing administration. Alexandra Rivera has a yellow highlight around her entire physical fitness record since a physical fitness waiver is pending approval.

Switching to a prior year testing administration will change the screen to Read mode and display the scores for that testing administration. The green highlighted scores are the ones that are flagged as "Pass" for that administration.