Aeries Software has a Secure FTP server to protect your data during transfers. SFTP requires a dedicated client for transferring files to our network; connecting with a web browser or other platforms will not work. If you need a free FTP client, we suggest FileZilla. The credentials for logging in are as follows:
Host name:
User name: aeriesuploads
Password: 888Aerieshelp
Port: 22 (it defaults if not specified)
Attached is a screenshot of what your connection profile should look like in Filezilla under “File -> Site Manager -> New Site”:
Please give your file a name that identifies it as belonging to your school district. Aeries Software prefers you send your data to the Aeries SFTP site as a password protected .zip, .rar or .7z type file formats. If you do send a password protected file please email the password to the Aeries Support Representative you were working with or [email protected].
NOTE: You will not see your file listed once uploaded as the list permission is not available to that account. In the event your file cannot be uploaded again because one with the same name is in the way, simply change the name slightly.
If you happen to use WINSCP, it will not work with its default settings for this tightly secured SFTP account. Consider the following changes if you wish to use WINSCP instead.