This error occurs because the discipline incident date occurred after the student's enrollment exit date or the end of the school calendar date.
CALPADS wants summer school discipline incidents to be reported. To be able to have ownership of the student that day, districts will need to report a one day secondary enrollment during the summer to reflect an enrollment at the school attended. The enrollment date should be on the day the incident occurred. The secondary enrollment record will also need an exit date and exit code of E155. The enrollment and discipline records should be manually added online in the CALPADS system.
*Note Per CALPADS:
If the incident is AFTER 6-30-YYYY, the incident needs to be reported in the following EOY3 submission, not the current year.
As an example, if an incident took place on 7-1-YYYY, it would be reported in the EOY3 submission for the next year and the secondary enrollment record start date would need to match the incident date, 7-1-YYYY. Both the enrollment and discipline records added in CALPADS would need to have the correct Academic Year selected for these situations.
Steps in Calpads:
- Add a Secondary Enrollment record in Calpads for the school the incident occurred at and the date the incident occurred.
- From the Incident Data tab, select Add New Incident and add the SINC+SIRS+SOFF record, then select validate
- To exit this record, manually change the exit reason to 155.