#Export with many different delimiter choices, with or without double quote qualifiers, and with or without headers.
import-module -name SQLPS

############ Variables You Change BEGIN ############

$DB = "DST17000AeriesDemo_ID"
$Servername = "localhost"
$OutPath = "c:\PowerShellExtracts\DISTRICTNAME\EXTRACTVENDOR\Output"
$delimiter = ","    #special characters may need an escape character of a back apostrophe (e.g. `t is a tab)

############ Variables You Change  END  ############

#Test if output path exists in next two lines and create if not.
$TestPath = Test-Path $OutPath 
if ($TestPath -ne "True") {MD $OutPath}

$ServerIP = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("$Servername")  #This looks up IP in DNS and is more resilient than using a static IP provided the response is IPv4
#$ServerIP = ""  #unremark this line and remark out the line above if you wish to pull from localhost loopback IP

$response = Read-host "What's your SQL User Name?" -AsSecureString
$user = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($response))
#$user = "YourUserName" #remark out the prior two lines to avoid prompting for user and use this instead - ONLY ON SECURE COMPUTER!!

$response = Read-host "What's your password?" -AsSecureString
$pass = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($response))
#$Pass = "YourPassword" #remark out the prior two lines to avoid prompting for user and use this instead - ONLY ON SECURE COMPUTER!!

##### Begin Extract of 1 File.

Invoke-Sqlcmd -serverinstance tcp:$ServerIP -QueryTimeout 600 -database $DB -username "$User" -password "$Pass" -query "

--Your SQL Query goes here
select * from stu where del = 0 and sc = 994

" | 
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation -delimiter "$Delimiter" |  
#select -Skip 1 | #This line removes the header
% {$_.Replace('"','')} | #Remove Double Quote Qualifiers
out-file "$OutPath\StudentDataExport.txt" -Encoding UTF8

##### End Extract of 1 File.
##### Copy the first extract and change the SQL query and output file as needed for more files.