Our hearts are with everyone affected by the fires in California. For school districts navigating emergency closures, we've attached instructions on attendance procedures to help ensure continuity.
School Closure Attendance Procedures
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This category contains 3 folders
Aeries DBA Tools
SQL Scripts
Permissions Analysis Queries
1. SQL Query - sub queries
Parent/Student Portal Accounts Percentage and Recent Utilization
Aeries Query Expansion through SQL views and Custom Tables
Dealing with the SQ (sequence) field
Teacher Gradebook Usage
Combining multiple rows into one row or variable
Finding overlapping ENR records using SQL
Determining a student's graduation year using SQL
Parsing a single row into multiple rows
List all tables and sort by size in kilobytes
Determining the academic year of an Aeries database
Attendance and Enrollment totals by student
Using the Get Description Function in SQL Server
Dynamic SQL queries to provide a rich one line result of whatever unique Programs and/or Authorizations are current or historical
Custom Tables and Views feature invites dynamic SQL to create views tailored to what you use
Fix orphaned AeriesNetUser
Powershell Scripts
PowerShell Picture Export Script
Export a SQL query to a CSV file.
Attendance Percentage and Period Attendance Percentage with custom date ranges
PowerShell Mass Upload PDFs into Report Card History