Student Data

Red flags are student-specific notes which can be entered on any student page, and are specific to the page where the red flag was entered. Each student page can have its own flag. Red flags can be used to communicate alerts such as medical conditions, custody information, or any important notes.

When viewing a page with a red flag, the flag message appears in a shaded box in the top-right corner. However, you can see a list of all red flags entered for the student from the Flags tab in the student banner. See Student Banner.

Red flags are visible to any user, including teachers, who has: 

  • Permission to view flags (FLG table), and 
  • Permission to view the page where the flag was entered 


  • None


  Add a flag

  1. From any Student Data page, click the Flag icon in the top-right corner.

    A window opens allowing you to add a message.

  2. Type the message and click Save.

  3. The message is now displayed at the top of the page for any user with permission to view flags.

    If the full message exceeds the space allowed for the flag, hover over the message to view the complete message.

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  Edit a flag

  1. From any Student Data page with an existing red flag, click the Edit icon.

    A window opens which displays the complete message.

  2. Update the message and click Save.

    Once saved, the updated message is visible to all users with appropriate permission.

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  View red flags

In addition to viewing page-specific red flags on individual Student Data pages, the Flags tab in the student banner lists all red flags entered for the student and provides links to the pages.

  1. From any Student Data page with an existing red flag, the message is displayed in the top-right corner.

    If the full message exceeds the space allowed for the flag, hover over the message to view the complete message.

    The Last Updated field displays the date-time stamp and the user who last updated the flag is displayed.

  2. In the Student Banner, the Flags tab lists all red flags entered for the student.

    The red badge indicates the total number of red flags for the student.

  3. Click the Flags tab.

    The following is displayed:
    PageThe page where the red flag was entered

    Click the page link to open the page where additional information is available and can be updated.
    CommentThe three-character table associated with the page, followed by the comment entered in the red flag text box (FLG.CO)
    Created DateThe date-time stamp indicating when the red flag was last updated (FLG.DTS)
    Created ByThe username of the staff member who originally entered the red flag (FLG.IUN)
    Last Update ByThe username of the staff member who last updated the red flag (FLG.UUN)

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  Delete a flag

  1. From any Student Data page with an existing red flag, click the Edit icon.

    A window opens which displays the complete message.

  2. Click Delete.

    You are prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the message. Click Delete, and the message is deleted.

    Once deleted, the message is no longer visible to any other users.

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  Query red flags

Users with Read permission to the Ref Flag Table (FLG) can query red flags. See How to Query Red Flags.

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Tables & Security

Red Flag Table (FLG) ReadView red flags on the Flags tab (only for pages you have permission to view)
Student Data pagesUpdateAdd or edit red flags

NOTE:  Parents and students are not typically granted access to red flags, but they can be given Read access if needed. Parents and students can only view the most recent red flag.

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