All Student pages

The Student Banner is displayed on all student pages, providing a consistent set of information for the student from any page you are viewing.


  • None


If the Student Banner is collapsed, click the Expand icon to view the banner.

When collapsed, the student name and grade level remain visible.



  Navigate to a student

The banner is displayed for the student retrieved on the page. Navigation tools within the banner allow you to easily view the previous/next students alphabetically, as well as recently accessed students.

See also Student Search.

  1. The student photo is displayed if available. Otherwise, the student's initials are displayed. 

    The photo can be updated from the Demographics page. See Demographics.

  2. Next to the student name, click the previous and next arrows to view the previous and next students alphabetically.
    • If you are logged into a school, the previous and next students are based on the school.
    • If you are logged into a district, the previous and next students are district wide.
    • If you using the KEEP feature, the previous and next students are limited to the students you are keeping. See Query SKIP and KEEP Commands.

  3. Click the student name to open the Recently Viewed list, which displays the 10 most recent students viewed and the date on which you last retrieved the student in the search results.

    From the Recently Viewed list, you can click the student name to navigate to that student while staying on the page you are viewing.

  View general demographic information



  1. The General tab is open by default. If you are viewing a different tab, click the General tab.

  2. The following is displayed:

    Student IDThe district-assigned student ID (STU.ID)
    State Student ID(California only) The state-assigned State Student ID (SSID) (STU.CID)
    Unique ID(Texas only) The state-assigned Unique ID (STU.CID)
    Status TagWhether the student is active, inactive, pre-enrolled, or another status (STU.TG)

    Blank is active.
    Student NumberThe student's local ID, specific to the school (display only) and automatically assigned (STU.SN)
    GradeThe student's current grade level
    AgeThe calculated age based on birthdate (STU.BD.YEARS)
    BirthdateDate on which the student was born (STU.BD)
    GenderThe student’s preferred gender, from a district-defined list (STU.GN)
    Counselor(Secondary only) The counselor assigned to the student (STU.CNS)
    Teacher(Elementary only) The primary teacher assigned to the student (STU.CU)
    Language Fluency(California only) A district-determined code indicating language fluency (STU.LF)
    CorrLng/RptgLng(California only)
    • Correspondence language - The language in which a parent wants to receive correspondence, used when translations are created for letters to parents (STU.CL)

    • Reporting Language - The language used for CALPADS Reporting, if a non-English language is submitted on the student's Home Language Survey (STU.HL)
    Interdistrict Status(California only) The student’s inter-district transfer status, if the student transferred from a district outside of the home district (STU.IT)
    HomeLng/StuLng(Texas only)
    • Home Language - The language spoken in the student's home most of the time, as determined by the Home Language Survey (STU.CL) 
    • Student Language - The language spoken by the student most of the time, as determined by the student's Home Language Survey (STU.HL)
    Emergent Bilingual(Texas only) Whether the student has been identified as an emergent bilingual (EB) student by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or English proficient, which is based on the presence of Special Programs record for Emergent Bilingual (PGM.CD = 148)

    When PGM.CD = 148, the Program Type value is displayed (PGM.TY).
    Attribution Code(Texas only) Indicates characteristics about the student's enrollment that must be reported to the state (STU.IT)

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  View contacts for the student

  1. Click the Contact tab.

  2. The following is displayed:

    Student's MobileThe student cellphone number
    Source: Demographics under Student Contact Info in the Student's Mobile field (STU.MPH)
    Student's EmailThe student email address, which may be different than the parent or school-assigned email address
    Source: Demographics under Student Contact Info in the Student's Mobile field (STU.MPG)
    Notification PreferenceThe setting indicating whether the student prefers to be contacted via email or phone
    Source: Demographics under Student Contact Info in the Notification Pref field (STU.NP)
    Parent/GuardianThe name(s) entered on Demographics in the Parent/Guardian field (STU.PG)
    Primary PhoneThe phone number entered for the student on Demographics under Telephone - Primary (STU.TL)
    Primary Contact 1The first phone number that should be called when communicating general or emergency information

    Primary Contact 1 is displayed on Demographics under Telephone - Primary Contact 1 (STU.FW), but the source of the information is the Contacts page.

    Primary Contact 1 and 2 are blank if they have not been linked on the Contacts page.

    • If a Primary Contact 1 phone number is not linked on the Contacts page, the field is labeled Primary Contact 1 and the phone number is blank.

    • If a Primary Contact 1 phone number is linked on the Contacts page, the field is labeled according to the Description entered when linking the number (e.g., Mom-cell), and the phone number is displayed. 
    Primary Contact 2An additional phone number that should be called when communicating general or emergency information

    Primary Contact 2 is displayed on Demographics under Telephone - Primary Contact 2 (STU.MW), but the source of the information is the Contacts page.

    • If a Primary Contact 2 phone number is not linked on the Contacts page, the field is labeled Primary Primary Contact 2 and the phone number is blank.

    • If a Primary Contact 2 phone number is linked on the Contacts page, the field is labeled according to the Description entered when linking the number (e.g., Mom-work), and the phone number is displayed.
    ResidenceThe address where the student resides

    Source: Demographics under Residence (STU.RAD, STU.RCY, STU.RST, STU.RZC, STU.RZX)
    MailingThe mailing address, if different than the residence

    Source: Demographics under Residence (STU.AD, STU.CY, STU.ST, STU.ZC, STU.ZX)

  1. Click Full Contact List to view a list of all contacts associated with the student. A window opens which displays information entered on the Contacts page.
    • Click Close to close the window.
    • Click Print to generate the Student Quick Contacts Report, which provides the information in PDF format.

  2. Click Siblings to open the Siblings page, where you can view and maintain information about the student's siblings.

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  View additional student information



  1. Click the Addt'l Info tab. 

  2. The following is displayed as entered on the Demographics and other pages:

    First/Middle/Last Name AliasThe student nicknames, if entered in the First/Middle/Last Name Alias fields on Demographics (STU.FNA, STU.MNA, STU.LNA)
    RaceAll of the student’s races as entered in the Race field(s) (STU.RC1, STU.RC2, STU.RC3, STU.RC4, STU.RC5)
    EthnicityWhether or not the student is of Hispanic ethnicity (STU.ETH)
    Birth Date VerificationWhether the student's birthdate has been verified by external documentation, such as a birth certificate (STU.VBD)
    Birth CityThe city in which the student was born (STU.BCY)
    Birth StateThe state in which the student was born (STU.BST)
    Birth CountryThe country in which the student was born (STU.BCU)
    Last SchoolThe school the student last attended in the district (STU.LS)
    Track CodeThe attendance track in which the student is enrolled (STU.TR)
    Program Code(California only) The attendance program in which the student is enrolled  (STU.SP)
    ADA Eligibility(Texas only) The student's Average Daily Attendance (ADA) eligibility status as reflected in the district's attendance accounting records (STU.SP)
    Attendance Program 1/2Additional attendance programs in which the student may be participating, such as independent study (STU.AP1, STU.AP2)
    Health ProblemsAny information entered in the Health Problems field on the Medical History page (STU.HP)
    Wellbeing Status

    The student's latest Wellbeing Score (STU.WS) and date and time of the latest Wellbeing Score (STU.WD) 

    Depending on school settings, the score may be shaded to indicate the attention needed. See Wellbeing Status.

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  View flags

Flags are student-specific notes which can be entered on any student page, and are specific to the page where the flag was entered. Each student page can have its own flag. See Red Flags.

When viewing a page with a flag, the flag message appears in a shaded box in the top-right corner. However, you can see a list of all flags entered for the student from the Flags tab in the student banner.

The red badge indicates the total number of flags for the student.

Flags are visible to any user who has:

  • Permission to view flags (FLG table), and
  • Permission to view the page where the flag was entered

  1. Click the Flags tab.

  2. The following is displayed:
    PageThe page where the red flag was entered

    Click the page link to open the page where additional information is available and can be updated.
    CommentThe three-character table associated with the page, followed by the comment entered in the red flag text box (FLG.CO)
    Created DateThe date-time stamp indicating when the red flag was last updated (FLG.DTS)
    Created ByThe username of the staff member who originally entered the red flag (FLG.IUN)
    Last Update ByThe username of the staff member who last updated the red flag (FLG.UUN)

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  View programs in which the student participates

The programs in which the students participate are listed, as entered on the following pages:

  • Special Programs (Current Programs)
  • Special Education
  • GATE (California only)
  • Gifted/Talented (Texas only)
  • 504 Plans
  • Language Assessment

The blue badge indicates the total number of programs in which the student is currently enrolled.

Only programs you have permission to view are listed.

  1. Click the Programs tab.

  2. The following is displayed:
    ProgramThe program in which the student is currently enrolled

    Click the program link to open the page where additional information is available and can be updated.
    EnteredThe date on which the student entered the program

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  View district- and school-defined user codes

User codes are customized codes added by the district or school to maintain local student information as needed. 

See Define Custom Captions. Only codes set up for the Student Demographics (STU) table are listed on the User Codes tab.

  1. Click the User Codes tab.

    Up to 13 codes may be in use.

    • Custom codes in use will have a custom field label specified by the district or school, and information will correspond to the district or school requirements.

    • Custom codes that are not in use are labeled User #.

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Tables & Security

Student Data (STU)ReadView student data
504 Plans (FOF)ReadView 504 Plan records on the Programs tab
Contacts (CON)ReadView the Full Contacts List on the Contacts tab
Special Education (CSE)ReadView special education records on the Programs tab
GT/GATE (GTE)Read(California only) View GATE records on the Programs tab

(Texas only) View Gifted/Talented records on the Programs tab
Language Assessment (LAC)ReadView language assessment records on the Programs tab
Red Flag Table (FLG)ReadView flags on the Flags tab (only for pages you have permission to view)
Special Program Details (PGM)ReadView any Current Program records entered on the Special Programs page on the Programs tab

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