Overview of Discipline Incident ID  

Copy an Incident ID  

Discipline Incidents  

Mass Add Discipline Incident IDs  

Overview of Discipline Incident ID  

The Discipline Incident ID (ADS.IID) is a unique identifier for a specific discipline event that happened on a specific date and time. It may involve more than one infraction, and also may involve more than one student. It's important to manage Discipline Incident IDs to avoid over-reporting infractions or incidents in statewide reporting. 

Incident ID and Incident Occurrence Date

When an Assertive Discipline record is added, the Date field will populate with the current date. The Incident ID will populate automatically with the next available unused Incident ID number. The Incident ID will be used as a unique identifier for the Incident. When multiple students are involved in the same incident, each student must have the same Incident ID and Incident Occurrence Date.

Copy an Incident  

If more than one student is involved in a Discipline Incident, after the first student's infraction is entered completely, click the Copy button and select the other student(s) that were involved. The pertinent information will be copied over, however the infractions themselves, along with any other student-specific information should be updated as appropriate. This will ensure that the Date of the occurrence matches to other students reported in the same incident. If a student was added to the Assertive Discipline table after the original occurrence date, it will be necessary to adjust the Incident Date to the correct date that the incident occurred. 

NOTE: It is important that students with the same Incident IDs all have the same Incident ID Occurrence Date. This date comes from the ADS.DT field. When adding multiple students to the same Incident, best practice is to use the copy button to copy the original incident record to the other students who were involved in the same incident.  Students that have different Incident Occurrence Dates for the same Incident ID will result in a CALPADS SINC error SINC05163E3.

Discipline Incidents  

On the Discipline Incidents page, you can view all incidents within a certain date range, or find all incidents with the same Discipline Incident ID. It will also display any victims, witnesses, or Behavioral Emergency Actions that are attached to that Discipline Incident ID. In this example, you can see that 4 students are involved in incident 29054, there is one victim and one witness to the incident. There is also one Behavioral Emergency Action attached to the incident. The option to display other violators is available and will display the names and information for all students with the same Incident ID.  More information on this subject is covered in the Copying Incident IDs documentation.

Note:  Because the students are all listed with the same Incident ID, the incident itself will only be counted once for the district. If they each had a different Incident ID, it would count as 4 separate incidents. That could result in over-reporting actual discipline data for a school/district.

Mass Add Discipline Incident IDs  

On the Administrative Functions page the Mass Add Discipline Incident IDs function will find any existing Discipline Incidents for the district that do NOT currently have an Incident ID and add it.