Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > State Test Scores Reports

For Admins, staff and teachers the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page can be found in the navigation under Student Data > Test Scores or by typing State in the filter. It is available in both the District and School levels.

The Language Assessment page also has a link to display the available ELPAC Score Reports.

Language Assessment - ELPAC Electronic Test Results dropdown

For students and parents the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page can be found under the Test Scores tab.

State Test Scores Reports - Under Test Scores dropdown in Parent Portal

When the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page is first opened for a student an electronic call is sent to ETS requesting the student score report(s). ETS will determine the validity of the request and either return a link(s) to download the student score report(s) or an error message. The score reports will be retrieved in both HTML and PDF versions and display as such.

It is important to note that the link to the student score report is only available for 30 minutes, after that time the link expires and a new link will need to be requested by clicking on the here link in the blue information box at the bottom of the page or by simply refreshing the page.

State Test Scores Reports - Available for 30 minutes message

If a student's score report is available the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page displays the Test name and Year and a link to the score report in the form of a button. Each year will display in either PDF or HTML format. If the student's score report is not available a message will display in a red information box. ETS will provide links to English and non-English score reports based on the student's correspondence language in CALPADS. If the student has a non-English correspondence language, then a link to an English score report will be available in addition to a link to a non-English score report if that translation is supported by CAASPP.

Clicking on the English or non-English button will open up a view of the Student Score Report  in a new tab. It is important to note that this URL is only available for 30 minutes. After that time a new request needs to be made to ETS for the student's score report.

State Test Scores Reports example

A copy of the student's score report can be downloaded and saved to the computer or it can be printed by using the appropriate icons in the preview window.

Browser Download and Print icons

Clicking on the HTML button for English or non-English will open a browser tab displaying the specific test subject. The ability to save a score report is only available with the PDF version of the score report.

If a link to the student's score report cannot be returned a message will display in a red information box. These messages are derived from codes sent back from ETS. 

State Test Scores Reports - Not authorized error message

Potential messages that may display are: 

  • There was an error while processing the request 
  • Student does not have any test data - this message is generated when the student does not have a score report in ETS
  • You are not authorized to make this request  - this message is generated when the Electronic Student Score Report credentials on the 3rd Party Systems Connections page are incorrect, missing or expired.
  • Internal error occurred 
  • Student enrollment record does not match calling district - this message is generated when the student does not "belong" to the district in ETS. ETS uses the data in CALPADS to determine which LEA the student belongs to. It is very important to update CALPADS often with student enrollment data.
  • Student identification number not found - this message is generated when the student's SSID cannot be found in ETS
  • Student does not have a Statewide Student ID (SSID) assigned - this message is generated when the student's SSID is not populated in Aeries. Students must have an SSID in order to request a student score report from ETS.

NOTE:  ETS uses the data in CALPADS to determine which LEA the student belongs to. It is very important to update CALPADS often with student enrollment data.

NOTE:  Due to the existence of student address information on the State Electronic Score Reports, the State Electronic Test Scores Reports page will not allow parents, students or teachers to access score reports if a student's "Do Not Release Records" (STU.DNR) is set or if the Portal Option to Hide Student Contact Info (STU & CON) is selected. The parents with Educational Rights and email addresses within Aeries will still receive the notification emails when new score reports are available, but they will not be able to view the score reports from within the Parent Portal. Schools will need to provide an alternate view of this information for the parents and teachers.
State Test Scores Reports - Student's tests inaccessible message

NOTE: Certain iOS, tablet and phone devices (including MacBooks) do not immediately open the pdf in a new tab. Here are the instructions to do so:
-- For devices with a mouse use the right-click on the mouse to display the option to Open to New Window
-- If the mouse does not have left and right buttons press the CTRL key and click the mouse
-- For a trackpad or touchscreen use the 2-finger touch to simulate the right click, or press the CTRL key and touch using one finger on the trackpad

For information on how to set up the automated Electronic Score Report Processing notifications please see the State Electronic Score Report Notifications and Management article.