





A final year average of semester grades may be calculated for a final year grade mark on the report card. The Grading Periods page contains the steps needed to create a grading period for the year and to specify the calculation.
See Texas - Grading Periods.



  1. On the Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page, create a final mark and select this mark from the Final Yearly Grade Mark drop-down.

    This step must be completed before creating a grading period for the year. Any grading period using the final yearly grade mark will calculate based on all courses with the same service id.

  2. On School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options - Grades
    • Open GRD Grading Windows for Teachers for both the last grade mark AND the final yearly grade mark to indicate the date ranges when teachers can enter grades for the grading period.

      Teachers will import grades into the last mark, for example M8 2nd Semester and since the window for the final yearly mark is also open, this will automatically calculate the final yearly grade mark based on the calculation defined in the grading period on the Grading Periods page.


Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions (MMR)
Grading Period (GRP)
Grades (GRD)
Portal Options (POP)


  1. Navigate to Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grading Periods page and click the +Add Grading Period button in the Y-Year section to create a new grading period.

    Enter the Grading Period information as outlined in Texas - Grading Periods. 
    In the GRD Marking Period field, select the mark identified as the Final Yearly Grade Mark on the Multiple Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page.
    The Is Calculated checkbox will be checked by default
  2. Establish weights for calculating the average from the Grades table (GRD).  The percentages must total 100.For example, this calculation will average the 1st and 2nd semester grades:
  3. Initialize the the New Grade Reporting Cycle for the 2nd semester grades.
    There will not be an option to initialize the mark identified as the Final Yearly Grade Mark.

  4. Open the grading window for 2nd Semester and Final Year Marks.  Enter the same start and end dates for these on the School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options – Grades tab.

  5. Teachers will load the grades from their gradebook for the 2nd semester grades on the Grade Reporting > Grades by Teacher page.  There will not be an option to load grades into the Final Yearly Grade Mark as the final mark will be calculated.

    After the teacher loads the grades from their gradebook, if the grading window is open on the Portal Options > Grades page for the grade mark identified as the Final Yearly Grade Mark on the Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions page then the Final Yearly Grade Mark will be automatically calculated based on the Grading Periods calculation for all courses with the same service id.

    This final yearly grade will be saved in the Grades (GRD) table and will be viewable on the Grades page.
    Any manual changes to grades will automatically recalculate the final yearly grade.

    NOTE: When the grading window for the final year mark is closed, this mark will not recalculate when changes are made to grades from the  Grades by Teacher page.  Any changes to grades need to be made on the Student Data > Grades page.

  6. On the Student Data > Grades page, when any of the marks that affect the final grade are added or edited, the final yearly grade mark will automatically recalculate when saved.

  7. Grade Mark Verification by Service ID report - coming soon!

  8. Print Report Cards including all marks.

    NOTE: The Copy Grades to Transcripts (HIS) options will not include the final average mark. The 2nd Semester grade mark should be copied and the transcript will calculate the average marks based on the transcript averaging settings. See Transcript Averaging.