Attendance Audit Listing - Audit Listing O: Student has invalid Day# in Attendance - __

CauseStudent has an Attendance Enrollment > Start/End Date that is not a valid date according to the Calendar (DAY) table. This can occur when:

  • a CHANGE Query is used to change Attendance Start/End Dates (ATT.DT where ATT.CD = E or ATT.CD = L) but the Attendance Start/End Day Numbers  (ATT.D1/ATT.D2 where ATT.CD = E or ATT.CD = L ) are not also updated.
  • when an unsupported Calendar change takes place 
  • when data is mass populated incorrectly

SolutionClick the Edit Icon on the affected Attendance Enrollment record(s), select the correct date if applicable, then click the Save Icon. This will automatically fix the Date/Day Number to match.

NOTE: If a CHANGE Query was the cause of the issue, the Day Number Values (D1/D2) can be updated via another CHANGE Query. Please enter a support ticket if assistance is needed to write the queries.