Creating an All Students Indicator in Aeries Analytics

1. Create the following Yes/No Label Layout if one does not already exist.

  • Give the layout a Name, Code, and Description
    • Level 3 - Yes
    • Level 5 - No

2. Create an Indicator for All Students.

  • In the Type drop-down, select: Field Value
  • In the Table drop-down, select: STU - Student Data
  • In the Field drop-down, select: GN - Gender
  • Add all Genders to Threshold 3 - Yes

3.  On the Student Sub Groups tab > Student Sub Group 1 

  • Enter All Students in the Group Title 

  • Select level 3 in the Levels For Each Group


4. When setting up the Dashboard, select SubGroup from the Display By drop-down menu.


5. Then, check All Students in the Sub Groups option.


This will show All Students on the Dashboard.