Aeries Home > Calendar Widget

The Calendar widget allows you to create a personal list of calendar events. Any events added by the school and district are also included. 

For parents and students, Gradebook assignments may also be displayed.

Only events with a Start Date within the next 60 days are listed.


  • The Calendar widget must be added to your Aeries homepage. The widget is added by default.  See Aeries Home.
  • Any school events must be added by school staff using the School Events page. See School/District Events.
  • Any district events must be added by district staff using the District Events page. See School/District Events.


Any existing events beginning within the next 60 days are listed, including events added by the district or school.

  Add an event 

  1. Click either Add Event button.

    The Add Event window opens allowing you to add an event.

  2. Enter the following as needed:

    Title(Required) A title for the event
    Start/End Date(Required) The dates on which the event begins and ends

    Both date fields are required.
    Start/End TimeThe times at which the event begins and ends
    DescriptionMore details about the event

  3. Click Save.

    The Add Event window closes and the event appears in the widget.

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  Edit or delete an event

You can only edit or delete events you added. You cannot edit or delete events added by the school or district.

  1. Click the event in the widget, or click View Calendar.

    The Calendar page opens.

  2. Select a Display view.
    • View events on a specific date. 
    • Use the calendar icon to select the date.
    • View events for a specific month. 
    • Use the calendar icon to select the month.

  3. Click the Edit icon for the event.

  4. Update details as needed and click Save Record.

  5. Or, click Delete to delete the event.

    You are prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the event. Click OK.

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Further Training

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