Aeries Software allows data to be pulled by authorized vendors through the Aeries API to automatically sync with 3rd Party Applications. This eliminates the need for manual CSV transfers or complicated SFTP uploads.

STEMscopes connects to Aeries through an API Certificate.

Create an API Certificate for STEMScopes 

1. Login to your Aeries Admin Website as an admin

2. Navigate to Security -> API Security

3. Select the “Add New Record” button

4. Enter the product name "STEMscopes" and any comment you’d like. The Type will be left blank.

5. Click 'Insert' to save the Certificate

6. Grant Read Permissions to the following areas;Student Data

Class Schedules/History
Teacher Data
Staff Data
Master Schedule
Course Data


7. There are Prerequisites provided by STEMscopes seen below;

  • By proceeding with the following instructions, you acknowledge that any data currently in your District Master will potentially be deleted, overwritten, or altered. 
  • If you have existing data in your District Master, you will need to run the end-of-year archival process.

8. Prepare your STEMscopes District Master

  • As a new client: While setting up your District Master in the Implementation Wizard, please select autorostering as your rostering option, select “Aeries”, and input your Aeries certificate. This will automatically set up your Aeries integration. If you would like to test your integration, please navigate to the Test Integration section below.
  • With an existing District Master: You will likely need to run the end-of-year (EOY) archival process and proceed to the next step. Note that if you do not have any existing roster data in your District Master, you can skip the end-of-year process.

9. Add Aeries in the STEMscopes District Master

  • Navigate to "System Preferences->Credentials" on the left sidebar.
  • Click "Add New"
  • Select "Aeries Integration"
  • Input your Aeries Certificate and Instance URL
    • The "Instance URL" is the entire web address of your Aeries system leading up to the "/Login.aspx".

      In this example, the highlighted text is the "Instance URL." Your own Instance URL will be different.

      For hosted customers, your Instance URL will be 

      (replace "yourdistrictname" with your actual assigned URL address)

    • Your Certificate will be found on the API Security Page in Aeries. Select the checkbox next to “Display Certificate Details” to view the API Certificate. This is sensitive information and should be treated as such.

  • Make sure the “Initiate data import from Aeries (CST)” checkbox is checked. This option schedules automatic daily imports (beginning at the time specified in the drop-down fields).

  • Click the green "Create and Exit" button.

10. Map Schools

  •     Click “More” next to OneRoster REST Data Synchronization.
  • Click on "Schools" on the bar at the top of the page.
  • Click the blue "Update list" button in the top right corner of the page. This process may take a few minutes to complete.
  • After the update process has finished, you will see a list of the schools that have been shared from Aeries in the Aeries School column, and a list of STEMscopes schools in the ALI School column. Schools are automatically mapped if they have the same or a very similar name to one of your district’s existing schools.
  • For each school that needs STEMscopes access, ensure that there is a school in both the ALI School column and the Aeries School column. If you see a school that is unmapped, follow the steps below.

11. Import Data

  • Return to the “System Preferences->Credentials” page.
  • Click the “Pull” button on the list of options next to Aeries Integration. A message will appear notifying you that the import has been completed once it is done. This process can take anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours depending on the amount of roster data that your district has.

12. Test Integration

  • Navigate to "Import File Processing->Import Results" on the left sidebar.
  • Each import process can generate one staff file and one student file. Note the following important information about each import record.
    • An import record colored dark green that has a status of Completed means that no errors were encountered.
    • An import record that is colored yellowish-green that has a status of Completed with ERROR means that not all accounts were imported successfully.
    • An import record that is colored red and has a status of ERROR means that the import did not complete due to an error.
    • If you encounter any errors, please click the “Descriptions” button in the far-right Actions column next to the record with errors. For more information, click the green “Troubleshooting” button in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Test that you can log in to your accounts.
    • Note: Accounts imported through an autorostering solution will have randomly generated passwords. We recommend setting up a single sign-on integration (SSO) to log in to autorostering integration accounts. If you don’t wish to use an SSO integration, you can log in to STEMscopes directly using your unique district URL.

13. Congratulations! Aeries rostering for STEMscopes is now set up.

More information about the Aeries-STEMScopes Integration can be found on the STEMscopes Support Site