Pre-Enroll Student

The Pre-Enroll Student endpoint allows a student to be transferred as a pre-enrolled student to their approved school for the next school year.

Security Area:

  • "Trigger Student Pre-Enrollment" - Insert


  • GET /api/v5/commands/preenrollstudent/{StudentID}
    • StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.


  • The NextSchool field of the active record determines where the student will be pre-enrolled.
  • A student record must be active to be pre-enrolled to another school. The system will automatically determine the most recent active record if the student has more than one.
  • Any existing pre-enrolled records for the student at other schools will be deleted. There should only ever be one pre-enrolled record for a student at a given time.
  • There are several reasons the creation of the pre-enrolled student record could fail. The most common is that the Next Grade is invalid for the Next School. Also, a student will not be copied to a school if a record (active or otherwise) already exists for that student in the school. If the pre-enrollment fails, check the LogDetails object for more information.
  •  This endpoint will return a complex PreEnrollStudentResult object. This object includes LogDetails with information about the status of the request. It also includes an array of student objects representing all student records for the given Student ID, including the newly created pre-enrolled record (if successful).

Example Pre-Enroll Student Results:

    "LogDetails": [
            "StudentID": 99300014,
            "SchoolCode": 993,
            "StudentNumber": 14,
            "Grade": 8,
            "NextGrade": 9,
            "NextSchool": 994,
            "NewStudentNumber": 2786,
            "Copied": "Yes",
            "Exception": ""
    "Students": [
            "StudentID": 99300014,
            "OldStudentID": 0,
            "CorrespondenceLanguageCode": "00",
            "SchoolCode": 993,
            "StudentNumber": 14,
            "StateStudentID": "0099300014",
            "LastName": "Albert",
            "FirstName": "Alison",
            "MiddleName": "A",
            "LastNameAlias": "",
            "FirstNameAlias": "",
            "MiddleNameAlias": "",
            "Gender": "F",
            "Grade": 8,
            "GradeLevelShortDescription": "8",
            "GradeLevelLongDescription": "Eighth Grade",
            "Birthdate": "2006-11-07T00:00:00",
            "ParentGuardianName": "M/M A Albert",
            "HomePhone": "9996334125",
            "StudentMobilePhone": "",
            "MailingAddress": "10922 Pembroke Dr",
            "MailingAddressCity": "Eagle Point",
            "MailingAddressState": "CA",
            "MailingAddressZipCode": "99999",
            "MailingAddressZipExt": "",
            "ResidenceAddress": "10922 Pembroke Dr",
            "ResidenceAddressCity": "Eagle Point",
            "ResidenceAddressState": "CA",
            "ResidenceAddressZipCode": "99999",
            "ResidenceAddressZipExt": "",
            "AddressVerified": false,
            "EthnicityCode": "N",
            "RaceCode1": "700",
            "RaceCode2": "",
            "RaceCode3": "",
            "RaceCode4": "",
            "RaceCode5": "",
            "UserCode1": "",
            "UserCode2": "",
            "UserCode3": "",
            "UserCode4": "Y",
            "UserCode5": "",
            "UserCode6": "",
            "UserCode7": "",
            "UserCode8": "",
            "UserCode9": "Y",
            "UserCode10": "",
            "UserCode11": "",
            "UserCode12": "",
            "UserCode13": "",
            "SchoolEnterDate": "2017-09-04T00:00:00",
            "SchoolLeaveDate": null,
            "DistrictEnterDate": "2006-11-07T00:00:00",
            "CounselorNumber": 0,
            "Track": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
            "LockerNumber": "",
            "LowSchedulingPeriod": 0,
            "HighSchedulingPeriod": 9,
            "InactiveStatusCode": "",
            "FamilyKey": 216,
            "LanguageFluencyCode": "",
            "HomeLanguageCode": "",
            "ParentEdLevelCode": "",
            "ParentEmailAddress": "",
            "StudentEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "NetworkLoginID": "",
            "AtRiskPoints": "9.0000",
            "HomeRoomTeacherNumber": "0",
            "NotificationPreferenceCode": "",
            "NextSchoolCode": 994,
            "NextGrade": 9,
            "NextGradeLevelShortDescription": "9",
            "NextGradeLevelLongDescription": "Ninth Grade",
            "RecordsReleaseCode": ""
            "StudentID": 99300014,
            "OldStudentID": 0,
            "CorrespondenceLanguageCode": "00",
            "SchoolCode": 994,
            "StudentNumber": 2786,
            "StateStudentID": "0099300014",
            "LastName": "Albert",
            "FirstName": "Alison",
            "MiddleName": "A",
            "LastNameAlias": "",
            "FirstNameAlias": "",
            "MiddleNameAlias": "",
            "Gender": "F",
            "Grade": 8,
            "GradeLevelShortDescription": "8",
            "GradeLevelLongDescription": "Eighth Grade",
            "Birthdate": "2006-11-07T00:00:00",
            "ParentGuardianName": "M/M A Albert",
            "HomePhone": "9996334125",
            "StudentMobilePhone": "",
            "MailingAddress": "10922 Pembroke Dr",
            "MailingAddressCity": "Eagle Point",
            "MailingAddressState": "CA",
            "MailingAddressZipCode": "99999",
            "MailingAddressZipExt": "",
            "ResidenceAddress": "10922 Pembroke Dr",
            "ResidenceAddressCity": "Eagle Point",
            "ResidenceAddressState": "CA",
            "ResidenceAddressZipCode": "99999",
            "ResidenceAddressZipExt": "",
            "AddressVerified": false,
            "EthnicityCode": "N",
            "RaceCode1": "700",
            "RaceCode2": "",
            "RaceCode3": "",
            "RaceCode4": "",
            "RaceCode5": "",
            "UserCode1": "",
            "UserCode2": "",
            "UserCode3": "",
            "UserCode4": "Y",
            "UserCode5": "",
            "UserCode6": "",
            "UserCode7": "",
            "UserCode8": "",
            "UserCode9": "Y",
            "UserCode10": "",
            "UserCode11": "",
            "UserCode12": "",
            "UserCode13": "",
            "SchoolEnterDate": "2017-09-04T00:00:00",
            "SchoolLeaveDate": null,
            "DistrictEnterDate": "2006-11-07T00:00:00",
            "CounselorNumber": 0,
            "Track": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
            "AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
            "LockerNumber": "",
            "LowSchedulingPeriod": 0,
            "HighSchedulingPeriod": 9,
            "InactiveStatusCode": "*",
            "FamilyKey": 216,
            "LanguageFluencyCode": "",
            "HomeLanguageCode": "",
            "ParentEdLevelCode": "",
            "ParentEmailAddress": "",
            "StudentEmailAddress": "[email protected]",
            "NetworkLoginID": "",
            "AtRiskPoints": "9.0000",
            "HomeRoomTeacherNumber": "0",
            "NotificationPreferenceCode": "",
            "NextSchoolCode": 994,
            "NextGrade": 9,
            "NextGradeLevelShortDescription": "9",
            "NextGradeLevelLongDescription": "Ninth Grade",
            "RecordsReleaseCode": ""

Pre-Enroll Inactive Student

The Pre-Enroll Inactive Student endpoint provides the ability to create a Pre-Enroll student record from an inactive STU record and place the resulting new pre-enrolled record in a desired school.

Security Area:

  • "Student Data" - Update


  • GET /api/v5/PreEnrollInactiveStudent/{StudentID}/{NextSchoolCode}
    • StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
    • NextSchoolCode (required) – the destination Aeries School Number for the new pre-enrolled record.


  • The {StudentID} value determines which student will be pre-enrolled.
  • The {NewSchoolCode} value determines where the student will be pre-enrolled.
  • A student record must be inactive to be pre-enrolled to another school utilizing this endpoint. 
  • The system will automatically determine the most recent inactive record if the student has more than one inactive record.
  • Any preexisting pre-enrollment record for the same student at other school(s) will return a "500 Student is already pre-enrolled" message. There should only be one pre-enrolled record for a student at a given time.
  • This end point returns an array of student objects representing all student records for the given Student ID, including the newly created pre-enrolled record (if successful).  For the specification of the “Student” object, see the Student Information section of the main Aeries API documentation.
  • This end point should only be used to create a pre-enrolled record for a student who has no active record in the district.


  • 401 Unauthorized
    • The district has not set permissions for "Student Data Update"
  • 500 Invalid Student ID
    • A Student ID was sent that does not exist in the database
  • 500 Invalid Next School Code
    • The Next School Code sent is not a valid school code in Aeries
  • 500 Student has an active record.
    • There is already an active record in Aeries for the Student ID. The Pre-Enrollment Trigger should be used instead.
  • 500 Student is already pre-enrolled.
    • The student already has a pre-enrolled record in the database