Student Enrollment History

Security Area:

  • "Enrollment History"


  • /api/v5/enrollment/{StudentID}
    • StudentID (required) – Pass “0” for all students. The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
  • /api/v5/enrollment/{StudentID}/year/{AcademicYear}
    • StudentID (required) – Pass “0” for all students. The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
    • AcademicYear (required) – The academic year of the enrollment. Format: yyyy. Ex: “2017” for the 2017-2018 academic year
  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/enrollment/{StudentID}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • StudentID (required) – Pass “0” for all students. The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/enrollment/{StudentID}/year/{AcademicYear}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • StudentID (required) – Pass “0” for all students. The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
    • AcademicYear (required) – The academic year of the enrollment. Format: yyyy. Ex: “2017” for the 2017-2018 academic year


  • This end point will return the enrollment history for one or all students. It can be limited to a specific school code and/or specific academic year.

Example Student Enrollment History Results:

"StudentID": 99400001,
"InterIntraDistrictStateCode": "",
"NonpublicSchoolStateCode": "",
"NextSchoolCode": 0,
"ReportingSchoolCode": 0,
"SchoolCode": 998,
"StudentNumber": 2,
"AcademicYear": "2020",
"Track": "",
"AttendanceProgramCode": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
"Grade": 12,
"ElementaryTeacherNumber": 0,
"ElementaryTeacherName": "",
"EnterDate": "2021-03-23T00:00:00",
"LeaveDate": null,
"ExitReasonCode": "",
"InterIntraDistrictTransferCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400001,
"InterIntraDistrictStateCode": "",
"NonpublicSchoolStateCode": "3030228",
"NextSchoolCode": 0,
"ReportingSchoolCode": 0,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1,
"AcademicYear": "2020",
"Track": "",
"AttendanceProgramCode": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
"Grade": 12,
"ElementaryTeacherNumber": 0,
"ElementaryTeacherName": "Unassigned",
"EnterDate": "2020-07-10T00:00:00",
"LeaveDate": null,
"ExitReasonCode": "",
"InterIntraDistrictTransferCode": ""

Field Documentation:

NameAeries Table.ColumnDescription
AcademicYearENR.YRThe 4-digit academic year of this enrollment period; e.g., 2016 for the 2016-2017 academic year
AttendanceProgramCodeENR.PRThe specialized attendance program to which this student belonged during this enrollment period. Attendance programs are used to separate certain students’ attendance data in the monthly apportionment (ADA) calculations.
AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1ENR.AP1An additional specialized attendance program to which this student belonged during this enrollment period
AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2ENR.AP2An additional specialized attendance program to which this student belonged during this enrollment period
ElementaryTeacherNameENR.TEFor elementary schools, the display name of the teacher to whom the student was assigned during this enrollment period
ElementaryTeacherNumberENR.TNFor elementary schools, the school-based teacher number of the teacher to whom the student was assigned during this enrollment period
EnterDateENR.EDThe start date of this enrollment period
ExitReasonCodeENR.ERA coded value indicating the reason the enrollment period ended. These codes align with state reporting requirements.
GradeENR.GRThe student’s grade level during this enrollment period
InterIntraDistrictTransferCodeENR.ITThe student’s interdistrict or intradistrict transfer status during this enrollment period
LeaveDateENR.LDThe end date of this enrollment period
StudentIDENR.IDThe Permanent ID for the student
SchoolCodeENR.SCThe Aeries school code of the school where this enrollment took place
StudentNumberENR.SNThe school-based Aeries student number assigned to the student during this enrollment period
TrackENR.TRThe student’s attendance track during this enrollment period
InterIntraDistrictStateCodeENR.ITDInter/Intra District State Code

For descriptions of the codes, use our Code Sets API: ~/api/v5/codes/EnrollmentHistory/{ElementName}


Student Attendance

Security Area:

  • "Attendance"


  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/attendance/{StudentID}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number.

Query String Filters:

  • StartDate – (YYYYMMDD format) The earliest date of attendance to include (inclusive).
  • EndDate – (YYYYMMDD format) The latest date of attendance to include (inclusive).


  • This end point will return detailed student attendance data for the selected school.
  • An “AttendanceDay” is only returned if the student has an attendance code for that day or for at least one period in that day. For negative attendance schools, it is normal for many days to be “missing” from student attendance results because no attendance code is entered when the student is present for the day or period.

Example Student Attendance Results:

"StudentID": 99400001,
"AttendanceDays": [
"CalendarDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"AllDayAttendanceCode": "Q",
"Classes": [
"SectionNumber": 1118,
"Period": "1",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"
"SectionNumber": 2166,
"Period": "2",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"
"SectionNumber": 3093,
"Period": "3",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"
"SectionNumber": 4004,
"Period": "4",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"
"SectionNumber": 5133,
"Period": "5",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"
"SectionNumber": 7003,
"Period": "7",
"AttendanceCode": "Q"

Field Documentation:

NameAeries Table.ColumnDescription
StudentIDSTU.IDStudent ID
AttendanceDaysArrayArray of Class Attendance Objects
AllDayAttendanceCodeATT.ALThe attendance code for the whole day. In a daily attendance school, this will be the only attendance code populated for the day. For a period attendance school, this should ordinarily be populated only if all period attendance codes are the same.
CalendarDateATT.DTThe calendar date for this attendance
AttendanceCodeATT.A0 – ATT.A9
For Traditional Schools, the Code will come from ATT. For Flex Schools it will use CAT.
For Flex Schools the section will come form the CAT table
For Traditional Schools it will come from CAR
For Traditional Schools, Period will still come from ATT
For Flex Schools it will use FTF

For descriptions of the AttendanceCode and AllDayAttendanceCode, use the Absence Codes API:

Attendance History Summary

Security Area:

  • "Attendance History"


  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/summary/{StudentID}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/summary/year/{year}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • Year (required) – The academic year in the format yyyy-yyyy (e.g., “2016-2017”)


  • This end point will return a summary of Attendance History data and can be limited to a specific student or to a specific academic year.
  • Passing “SchoolCode” without “StudentID” will limit the results to students who currently have a record in the selected school, but the Attendance History may include data from other schools.
  • Passing “StudentID” will effectively ignore the passed “SchoolCode” and return all Attendance History for the selected student regardless of whether the student is currently in the selected school.

Example Attendance History Summary Results:

"StudentID": 99400001,
"HistorySummaries": [
"AttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
"ReportingSchoolCode": 0,
"DaysCompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"DaysIncompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"DaysInSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsExpectedToAttend": 0,
"PeriodsAttended": 0,
"PeriodsOutOfSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsAttendedInSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsExcusedAbsence": 0,
"PeriodsUnexcusedAbsence": 0,
"PeriodsCompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"PeriodsIncompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"SchoolYear": "2013-2014",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"DaysEnrolled": 250,
"DaysPresent": 234,
"DaysAbsence": 16,
"DaysExcused": 10,
"DaysUnexcused": 6,
"DaysTardy": 0,
"DaysOfTruancy": 0,
"DaysSuspension": 0

"AttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
"ReportingSchoolCode": 0,
"DaysCompleteIndependentStudy": 2,
"DaysIncompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"DaysInSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsExpectedToAttend": 0,
"PeriodsAttended": 0,
"PeriodsOutOfSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsAttendedInSchoolSuspension": 0,
"PeriodsExcusedAbsence": 0,
"PeriodsUnexcusedAbsence": 0,
"PeriodsCompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"PeriodsIncompleteIndependentStudy": 0,
"SchoolYear": "2020-2021",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"DaysEnrolled": 27,
"DaysPresent": 26,
"DaysAbsence": 1,
"DaysExcused": 1,
"DaysUnexcused": 0,
"DaysTardy": 0,
"DaysOfTruancy": 0,
"DaysSuspension": 0

Field Documentation:

NameAeries Table.ColumnDescription
DaysAbsenceAHS.ABThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) of absence this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysEnrolledAHS.ENThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) of enrollment this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysExcusedAHS.AEThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) of excused absence this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysOfTruancyAHS.TRUThe total number of days the student has any truancy attendance code in the given school year and school code
DaysPresentAHS.PRThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) present this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysSuspensionAHS.SUThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) of suspension this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysTardyAHS.TDThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) tardy this student has in the given school year and school code
DaysUnexcusedAHS.AUThe total number of days (according to the All Day attendance code) of unexcused absence this student has in the given school year and school code
SchoolCodeAHS.SCLThe Aeries school code
SchoolYearAHS.HRThe school year, in the format “yyyy-yyyy”; e.g., “2016-2017”
StudentIDAHS.IDThe StudentID
AttendanceProgramCodePrimaryAHS.SPStudents' Primary Attendance Program
RoportingSchoolCodeAHS.HSStudents' Reporting School
DaysCompleteIndependentStudyAHS.ISCNumber of Days Student has Completed Independent Study work
DaysIncompleteIndependentStudyAHS.ISINumber of Days Student marked Incomplete for Independent Study work
DaysInSchoolSuspensionAHS.ISSNumber of Days Student has served In School Suspension
PeriodExpectedToAttendAHS.PEFor Hourly Attendance - Daily Number of Periods the Student is Expected to Attend
PeriodsAttendedAHS.PAFor Hourly Attendance - Daily Number of Periods the Student Attended
PeriodsOutOfSchoolSuspensionAHS.POSDaily Number of Periods the Student served Out of School Suspension
PeriodsAttendedInSchoolSuspension AHS.PISDaily Number of Periods the Student served In School Suspension
PeriodsExcusedAbsenceAHS.PAXDaily Number of Periods the Student has an Excused Absence
PeriodsUnexcusedAbsenceAHS.PAUDaily Number of Periods the Student has an Unexcused Absence
PeriodsCompleteIndependentStudyAHS.PICDaily Number of Periods the Student Completed Independent Study work
PeriodsIncompleteIndependentStudyAHS.PINDaily Number of Periods Student marked Incomplete for Independent Study work

Attendance History Details

Security Area:

  • "Attendance History"


  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/details/{StudentID}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number.
  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/details/year/{year}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • Year (required) – The academic year in the format yyyy-yyyy (e.g., “2020-2021”)


  • This end point will return details of Attendance History data and can be limited to a specific student or to a specific academic year.
  • Passing “SchoolCode” without “StudentID” will limit the results to students who currently have a record in the selected school, but the Attendance History may include data from other schools.
  • Passing “StudentID” will effectively ignore the passed “SchoolCode” and return all Attendance History for the selected student regardless of whether the student is currently in the selected school.

Example Attendance History Details Results:

"StudentID": 99400001,
"HistoryDetails": [
"Code": "#",
"SchoolYear": "2020-2021",
"Description": "TOTAL EXCUSED",
"AllDayTotal": 1,
"PeriodTotals": [
"Period": "0",
"Total": 1
"Period": "1",
"Total": 1
"Period": "2",
"Total": 1
"Period": "3",
"Total": 1
"Period": "4",
"Total": 0
"Period": "5",
"Total": 0
"SchoolCode": 994
"Code": "*",
"SchoolYear": "2020-2021",
"Description": "TOTAL UNEXCUSED",
"AllDayTotal": 0,
"PeriodTotals": [
"Period": "0",
"Total": 0
"Period": "1",
"Total": 1
"Period": "2",
"Total": 0
"Code": "I",
"SchoolYear": "2020-2021",
"Description": "ILLNESS",
"AllDayTotal": 1,
"PeriodTotals": [
"Period": "0",
"Total": 1
"Period": "1",
"Total": 1
"Period": "2",
"Total": 1

Field Documentation:

NameAeries Table.ColumnDescription
AllDayTotalAHD.ALThe total number of days the student had this Attendance Code as the All Day code
CodeAHD.CDThe Attendance Code (1 character). This will typically be a letter but may be a digit. There are two special values that represent totals of certain types of attendance codes:
DescriptionAHD.DEThe description of the Attendance Code
A list of Period and Total. The period (0 – 9) for a Traditional school. For Flex schools Period is FTF.STI when the data is coming from CHD. If FTF is missing for that FSQ then it prints the FSQ instead
SchoolCodeAHD.SCLThe Aeries School code to which this Attendance History belongs
SchoolYearAHD.YRThe school year to which this Attendance History pertains
StudentIDAHD.IDThe Student ID

Attendance History Attendance Codes

Security Area:

  • "Attendance History"


  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/AbsenceCodes
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
  • /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AttendanceHistory/AbsenceCodes/year/{year}
    • SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
    • Year (required) – The academic year in the format yyyy-yyyy (e.g., “2020-2021”)


  • This end point will return a history of Attendance Codes used by the selected school and can be limited to a specific academic year.

Example Attendance History Attendance Codes Results:

"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": false,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"AbsenceCode": "A",
"SchoolYear": "2013-2014",
"Title": "UNVERIFIED",
"Abbreviation": "UNV",
"Type": 1,
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": true,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": true,
"IncludeOnReports": true,
"CountOnReportCard": true,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false,
"SchoolCode": 994
"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": false,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"AbsenceCode": "I",
"SchoolYear": "2013-2014",
"Title": "ILLNESS",
"Abbreviation": "ILL",
"Type": 2,
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": true,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": false,
"IncludeOnReports": true,
"CountOnReportCard": true,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false,
"SchoolCode": 994
"IsTemporarilyNotEnrolled": false,
"IndependentStudyCode": "",
"AbsenceCode": "L",
"SchoolYear": "2013-2014",
"Title": "Late>30",
"Abbreviation": ">30",
"Type": 2,
"CountsForADA": false,
"IncludeOnLetters": true,
"IncludeInParentNotifications": false,
"IncludeOnReports": true,
"CountOnReportCard": false,
"IsSuspension": false,
"IsPartialDayTruant": false,
"SchoolCode": 994

Field Documentation:

NameAeries Table.ColumnDescription
AbbreviationAHC.ABThe abbreviated name (max 3 characters) for this absence code
AbsenceCodeAHC.CDThe absence code (1 character). This will typically be a letter A-Z but may be a digit.
CountOnReportCardAHC.GRIndicates whether this absence code counts toward attendance totals on the grade report card.
CountsForADAAHC.ADIndicates whether this absence code counts toward the school’s ADA apportionment calculation.
IncludeInParentNotificationsAHC.DIIndicates whether this absence code should be included when notifications are sent to parents (e.g., automated attendance calls).
IncludeOnLettersAHC.LTIndicates whether this absence code should be included on letters sent to parents
IncludeOnReportsAHC.OTIndicates whether this absence code should print on attendance reports.
IsPartialDayTruantAHC.PTIndicates whether this absence code represents a partial day truancy. It would normally be used for a student who is more than 30 minutes late for class.
IsSuspensionAHC.SUIndicates whether this absence code represents a suspension (may be in-school or out-of-school).
SchoolCodeAHC.SCLThe Aeries school code
SchoolYearAHC.YRThe school year to which this record applies
TitleAHC.TIThe full name (max 10 characters) for this absence code
TypeAHC.TYA code representing the type of absence code.
IsTemporarilyNotEnrolledAHC.NEAbsence Code will count the Student as Not Enrolled for this day
IndependentStudyCodeAHC.ISAbsence code applies to Independent Study Students

For a description of the various “Type” values, see the Field Documentation for “Absence Codes”.